Perceived value is the cogitation of consumers on what they receive and pay as well asan evaluation of effect on a product (Zeithaml, 1988). Woodruff (1997) posited thatconsumers’ perceived value is the profit evaluation which is concluded by consumers’subjective viewpoints on product attribute, performance and using result. Vandermerwe(2003) indicated that when consumers are satisfied with the experience, the price should bedefined by them. To He and Mukherjee (2007), they posited that perceived value is the effectand option between utility and sacrifice.Perceived value is usually also regarded as the option between quality and sacrificemainly because the quality has positive effect on perceived value (Teas & Agarwal, 2000).However, the perceived sacrifice has negative effect on perceived value. Teas and Agarwal(2000) discovered that extrinsic cue is the cause of quality and sacrifice. In addition, thequality plays a role as a partial mediator between the price and the value, so does thesacrifice. Therefore, it implies that there may be a direct link between the price and value