Studies which have defined the duration of a blink are scarce. Stern, Walrath, and Goldstein (1984) distinguished endogenousblinks from non-blink closures which are associated with sleep onset for instance. Endogenous blinks are characterizedby (i) the time from initiation of the lid movement to full eye closure which takes generally around 100 ms, (ii) the periodduring which the vision is occluded which lasts at most 300 ms, and (iii) the full reopening phase lasting around 100 ms.Capitalizing on this, it was assumed that the longest endogenous blinks last 500 ms. Consequently, eye closure durationgreater than 500 ms were considered non-blink closures and were excluded from our blink analysis. On the opposite, thelowest duration for a closure to be defined a blink is unclear. For example, the eyelid had to be closed during 70 ms inBenedetto et al. (2011), 80ms in Benedetto et al. (2014), or 90ms in McIntire, McKinley, Goodyear, and McIntire (2014)and this choice was based on the sampling frequency of the eye-trackers. We chose that the pupil had to be occluded forat least 80 ms to be considered as a blink. If the eyes were closed during less than 4 frames, it was considered a bad dataset caused by the eye-tracker losing the pupil momentarily. Visual inspection of the row data coupled with inspection ofvideos of the eye reinforced the choice of this threshold. Blink events going from 80 to 500 ms were then captured by usinga modified version of the algorithm developed by Pedrotti, Lei, Dzaack, and Rötting (2011) for low-speed eye-tracking studies.In accordance with Stern, Boyer, and Schroeder (1994), the blink rate (blinks per minute) was derived from the totalnumber of eye blink events that took place in each 3-min experimental driving session. Based on the results of Benedettoet al. (2011) who suggested that visual task load mainly impacted short blink frequency, we also computed the median blinkduration of each participant to explore whether more short blinks were made under high cognitive load conditions. In suchcase, median blink duration would decrease.