Klasično pecivo za božično-novoletne praznike so medenjaki, ki se tako的英文翻譯

Klasično pecivo za božično-novoletn

Klasično pecivo za božično-novoletne praznike so medenjaki, ki se tako imenujejo, ker jih pri nas pripravljamo z medom. Ampak po svetu najbolj slavni nürnberški medenjaki, ki so jih v decembru polne stojnice po vseh večjih nemških mestih, medu sploh ne vsebujejo. Pogosto pa niti moke ne.
Medenjakom v Nemčiji pravijo ‘lebkuchen’ ali ‘leibkuchen’, kar bi lahko dobesedno pomenilo ‘telesni kolački’ – to z medom nima neposredne povezave. Morda pa jim tako pravijo zato, ker so ti kolački navadno obliti z glazuro, nekakšnim životcem oziroma ‘lajbičem’, ki je po pomenu soroden ‘»leibkuchnu’… Nam bodo to zaupali med obiskom delavnice nürnberških medenjakov?

Predviden program

1. dan: Odhod avtobusa v zgodnjih jutranjih urah. Vožnja v smeri Salzburga in Münchna do Nürnberga. Najprej se bomo ustavili v salonu nürnberških medenjakov in spoznavali ter okušali skrivnosti te praznične slaščice. Sledi vožnja v mestno jedro. Sprehodili se bomo skozi srednjeveško obzidje, do cerkve Sv. Sebalda in Sv. Lovrenca. Zanimiv je glavni trg z mestno hišo, Marijino cerkvijo in ‘Lepim vodnjakom’, ki predstavlja središče mesta in je prizorišče številnih dogajanj. Postanek bomo naredili tudi ob hiši najslavnejšega meščana, renesančnega slikarja Albrechta Durerja. Videli bomo mogočen grad, ki se dviguje nad starim mestom in je njegov simbol že več kot tisočletje. Lega ob najpombnejših prometnicah je samo še večala vpliv mesta v času Svetega nemškega rimskega imperija.
Pozno popoldne in večer bosta namenjena obisku znamenitega nürenberškega božičnega sejma, ki slovi kot največjih in najprivlačnejši v Nemčiji. Bogata božična tradicija sega v leto 1628, zato dobro vedo, kaj naredi obiskovalcem praznične dni še lepše: kandirano sadje, praženi mandlji, slastni nürnberški medenjaki in kuhano vino dišijo daleč naokrog, ročno izdelane lesene igrače, svetleči okraski in pisana darilca pa kar vabijo po nakupu. Prosto in nato vožnja v hotel, nastanitev in prenočitev.

2. dan: Po zajtrku se bomo odpeljali do v Rothenburg ob der Tauber, ki je najslavnejše mesto ob Romantični in Grajski cesti. Sprehodili se bomo preko trga, ki ga obdajajo pisana, poslikana in praznično okrašena pročelja meščanskih stavb. Posebnost mesta so številni srednjeveški vodnjaki, znamenita gotska mestna hiša iz 13. st., ozke srednjeveške uličice, zvoniki mestnih cerkva in praznično okrašeni mestni trgi. Postanek bomo naredili v Božičnem muzeju, kjer hranijo bogato zbirko božičnih okraskov in figuric za jaslice, predstavljena pa je tudi zgodovina praznovanja božiča in novega leta. Po ogledu se bomo ustavili še na pisanem božičnem sejmu. Po ogledu se bomo odpeljali do bližnjega mesta Dinkelsbühl, kjer je za obzidji ukljenjen očarljiv srednjeveški svet sprehajališč, stopnišč, obokanih hodnikov, vsem pa dajejo pečat slikovite hiše s tramovi na pročeljih. Vožnja proti domu, prihod je predviden v poznih večernih urah.

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結果 (英文) 1: [復制]
Classic cakes for Christmas and holidays are gingerbread, so called because they are with us, we are preparing with honey. But the world's most famous nürnberški gingerbread in December by full stands after all major German cities, honey doesn't contain. But often even the flour.Medenjakom in Germany say ' lebkuchen ' or ' leibkuchen ', which could literally mean ' the body ' muffins with honey – it has no direct connection. Perhaps, they say, because they are usually covered with a glaze muffins, some kind of životcem or ' lajbičem ', which is where the significance of the related '» leibkuchnu ' ... We trust that during a visit to the workshop of Nuremberg gingerbread?Provided for the programday 1: departure of the bus in the early hours of the morning. Driving in the direction of Salzburg and Munich to Nuremberg. First of all, we stop at the Nuremberg gingerbread and discovering and tasted the mysteries of this festive sweets. Trail ride in town. We're going to walk through the medieval ramparts, to the Church of St. and St. Lawrence Sebalda. Interesting is the main square with the Town Hall, the Church and the ' Pretty well ', which represents the center of the city and the scene of many developments. We also made a stop at the House of the city's most famous citizen, Renaissance painter Albrecht Durer. We will see a mighty castle, which rises above the old city and its symbol for more than a Millennium. Position at the najpombnejših between Austria, is to increase the influence of the city at the time of the German Holy Roman Empire.Late in the afternoon and the evening will be devoted to a visit to the famous nürenberškega Christmas fair is the largest and most attractive in Germany. Rich Christmas tradition dates back to the year 1628, so they know exactly what makes a holiday visitors days even nicer: candied fruits, roasted almonds, delicious nürnberški gingerbread and mulled wine smell for miles around, hand-made wooden toys, shiny ornaments and colorful gifts, invite you after the purchase. Free and then driving to the hotel accommodation and overnight stays.2nd day: After breakfast we will drive to in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, who is the most famous city on the romantic and Castle Road. We're going to walk through the market, surrounded by colorful, painted and decorated the facades of bourgeois holiday buildings. The peculiarity of the city are numerous medieval wells, the famous Gothic town hall. St., narrow medieval streets, steeples of the city churches and a festive decorated the city's markets. We will make a stop at Christmas Museum, where a rich collection of Christmas ornaments and figurines for Nativity scenes, and has also presented the history of the celebration of Christmas and the new year. After the tour we will stop its multicoloured ornament on the Christmas fair. After visiting we drove to the nearby town of Dinkelsbühl, where obzidji ukljenjen charming medieval world walking, stair, vaulted corridors, all the while giving the seal of the picturesque House with beamed ceilings on the facades. Driving home, the arrival is scheduled for late in the evening.The price includes
結果 (英文) 3:[復制]
classic cake for christmas - christmas holiday gingerbread is, so called, because they are in the us, honey. but the world's most famous nürnberški gingerbread, in december of stands after all major german cities, honey does not contain. often a meal.in germany, "she said lebkuchen" or "leibkuchen", which literally means "body" could ", it has no direct connection with honey. maybe they call them that because they "usually coated with glaze, a životcem lajbičem" or ", which is of importance to" »leibkuchnu "... we will trust during the workshop nürnberških gingerbread?estimated programme1. dan: leave the bus in the early morning hours. driving in the direction of salzburg and munich and nuremberg. first, we stop at the nürnberških gingerbread and discover secrets and experiencing this holiday treats. by driving in the city centre. we will walk through the medieval walls, to the church of sv. sebalda and sv. lawrence. interesting is the main market of the town hall, the church and the "pretty well", which is the center of the city and was the site of many events. we made a stop at the house's most famous citizen, renaissance painter by albrecht durer. we saw a castle that rises above the old town and its symbol for more than a millennium. the position at najpombnejših prometnicah a bigger impact in the holy city of the roman empire.late afternoon and evening they intended to visit the famous nürenberškega christmas festival, which is known as the largest and the most handsome in germany. rich christmas tradition dates back to the year 1628, so you know what to do in the solemn day even better: candied fruit, roasted almonds, delicious nürnberški gingerbread and mulled wine smell far around, hand made wooden toys, decorations and gifts, the name that wants to purchase. and then a free hotel accommodation and accommodation.2. day: after breakfast, we took to the rothenburg in der tauber, who is celebrated on the romantic and the road. we will walk through the square, surrounded by colorful, painted and decorated holiday pročelja bourgeois buildings. specialty of many medieval fountains, the gothic town hall from 13. century, the narrow medieval streets, urban churches and bell towers holiday decorated the city markets. we made a stop in this museum, where they keep a collection of christmas ornaments and figurines for nativity scenes presented is also the history to celebrate christmas and new year. after the tour, we will stop for a different color christmas fair. after the tour, we drive to the nearby city of dinkelsbühl, where for obzidji ukljenjen charming medieval world sprehajališč, staircases, corridors and obokanih, dominated by the picturesque house with beams on the pročeljih. driving home, the arrival is scheduled for late in the evening.the price includes
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