Taiwan J Oral Maxillofac Surg 22: 175-188, September 2011 Two-Year Tre的繁體中文翻譯

Taiwan J Oral Maxillofac Surg 22: 1

Taiwan J Oral Maxillofac Surg
22: 175-188, September 2011
Two-Year Treatment Outcomes of Mandibular
Fractures in a Suburban Hospital of Taiwan
Chih-Wen Cheng', Rong-Wu Yong', Che-Yi Lin', Min-Te Chang
Chun-Jung Chen', Wei-Fan Chiang
1 Department of Dentis甘γ, Chi-Mei Medical Center, Liouying, Tain凹, Taiwan
2 Department of Dentist門,Chi-MeiMedical Center, Yongkang, Tainan, Taiwan
1 School of Dentis甘y, National Yang-Ming Universi旬, Taip凹, Taiwan
Purpose: The etiology, type, and surgical outcomes of mandibular
tractures in Taiwan have rarely been described. A study of the current仕ends
in mandibular fractures at a suburban hospital would help clinicians and
public health researchers better understand the differences between urban and
suburban mandibular tractures and to design appropriate treatment strategies
Patients and Methods: This retrospective study analyzed 67 patients with
mandibular tractures between 2009 and 2010 at the Department of Oral and
Maxillofacial Surgery, Chi-Mei Hospital, Liouying. Under the supervision of a
single surgeon (Chiang), 102 tractured subsites were甘eated.Results: The maleto-female ratio was 1.4:1. Motorcycle accidents were the most common cause
of mandibular企actures(72%). Symphysis was the major subsite of fractures
(41 %), followed by body fractures (n=16, 15.7%) and angle fractures (n=呵,
14.7%). In this study, 68.7% of the patients displayed combined fractu時,which
was defined as multiple mandibular subsites 01-midface fracture. ln this study,
67 (66%) tractured sites among 55 patients were甘eatedby surgical reduction
and bone plate fixation, including 21 sites treated by the 1.6-mm miniplate
system, 36 sites treated by the 2.0-mm bone plate system, 9 sites treated by the
2.3-mm reconstruction plate system and one site by the lag screw technique
I叮叮ySeverity Score, comminuted/splitting fracture, and combined midfacial
bone fracture displayed a significant association with a prolonged postoperative
stay. Iatrogenic complications, such as postoperative aseptic abscesses and
screw loosening, appeared in 3 (4.5%) 臼ses_ Conclusion: Motorcycle accident
is a major etiology of mandibuJar fracture in the subw-b and usually results in
a more severe Injury Severity Score. The optimal duration of the hospital stay
must be evaluated while taking into consideration the associated injuries and
the type of fracture. The osteosynthesis of mandibular fractures involving the
use of 1.6-mm miniplates, 2.0-mml2.3-mm nonlocking bone plates yielded ideal
Key words: MandibuJar tracture, Suburb, Motorcycle, Prolonged postoperative
stay, Complications.
Taiwan J Oral Maxillofac Surg
Liouying,什omFebruary 2009 to December 2010
were retrospectively analyzed. Pathological and
The management of mandibular fracturc is infected fraclures were excluded. There were two
a common practice for Oral and Maxillofacial major strategies for treating mandibular fractures
Surgeons. Mandibular fi'acture can occur because The patients who had high-positioned subcondylar
of various causes, such as traffic acciclenls, "8I1s, 什actureand condylar fractures were reduced with
assaults, and sports, and can occur in isolalion three-and one-week rigid intermaxillary自xatlon
or in combination with other injuries. The (lMr), respectively (Figure 1). Rubber traction
epidemiology of these fractures varies depencling (elastic IMF) was applied lo these palients fOI
on the geographic area, socioeconomic status one to two more weeks thereafter. Another
of the individual involved, and the period of group of patients with symphys時, body and lowinvestigation 1';. In Western society, the 1970s positioned subcondylar fractures Were treated
involved a documented shift in the mechanism by open reduction and internal fixation by bone
ï 12
of injury leading to mandibular fractures' '" plates. After the surgery, patients postoperatively
Specifically, vi ol巴nce and sporting injllries underwent elastic IMF for one to two more
replaced motor vehicl巴 accidents as the major weeks (Figure 2 & 3). If the patients displayed
cause of mandibular 仕acture. These trends seem combined midfacial fractures, boltom-llp fixation
to hold true for the urban distinct in particular, followed the sequence of lower dental arch
whereas rural communities still show a significant reconstruction, mandibular fixation, rigid IMF,
number of fractures incurred during automobile and midfacial fìxation. The surgical reduction and
In the 1980s, a study of mandibular fixation of mandibular 什actures was performed as
佇actures in the urban distinct of Taiwan showed soon as possible if the patient presented stable
that traffic accidents were still the major callse". vital signs and clear consciousness. The surgical
Different causes of mandibular fracture may be intervention was performed in the following
associated with age and gender, or the site and sequence: the 什acturecl segments were reduced
severity ofthe injury. by the Erich arch bal', any loose teeth were
Data available on the etiology and pattern removed, and bone plate and screw flxation were
of mandibular injuries in this suburb of Taiwan performed. F
- 1 76一
台灣口外誌 Mandibular Fractures in Suburb of Taiwan
Fig. 1. A case 01" bilaleral condylar neck fracLUrc undcrwent rigid intermaxillary fixalion (A -C). A阮er 1
week and 3'" month follow up, the condyle heacl oSLeogcnesis and realign well (D)
Taiwan J Oral Maxillofac Surg 台獨口外誌
Fig. 2. .A. case of low-positioned, spitting-type subcondylar fracture (.A.) underwent two lag screws
fixation (8)
prescribed to all patients at the time of surgery, Follow-up examinations were recorded at
and their use was continued for 3 to 5 days aA:er intervals of 1, 2, 4, 6, and 12 weeks aA:er surgery,
the surgery. .A.丘er discharge, use of an enteral with additional examinations if necessary. Patients
antibiotic for 3 to 5 more days was prescribed. with less than 6 weeks of follow-up were excluded
.A.ge, etiology of injury, Injury Severity 什omthe study. .A. 6-week soA: diet was advised
Score, site of fracture, type of fracture, for all patients. The Erich arch bars were leA: in
associated midfacial fracture, and treatment were place postoperatively to facilitate guiding elastics
regarded as independent variables. .A. comminuted if necessary and then removed at the 4-week
fracture was detined as three or more fractured visit under local anesthesia at the outpatient
lines. .A. splitting fracture was defined as more c1inic. The follow-up variables include interdental
than 1 cm between two fracture lines. The contact checked by articulation paper, maximal
affected site was determined by the lowest border mouth opening checked by inter-incisor distance,
of the fracture line. The dependent variables were and mandible series or panoramic radiographs
set as the duration of postoperative hospital stay at intervals of 1, 4 and 12 weeks after surgery
and major postoperative complications, including Dental evaluation was performed in patients with
infection, malocclusion, nonunion, dehiscence, significant carious or periodontal destruction
osteomyel此時,and plate exposure. Those teeth meeting the following criteria were
- 178
台灣口外話、 Mandibular Fractures in Suburb of Taiwan
Fig. 3. A case口fcombinecl angle fr-aclure (A) and symphysis fraclure (B). 1 fe underwenl surgical fìxation
by 2.3 mm bonc plate system for symphysis ti'acture (C) and by l.3 mm miniplate syslem fOl
angle什acture(D). Postopcrative 4th week panoramic fìlm revealed bone gap was narrowing (E)
Taiwan J Oral Maxillofac Surg 台灣口外誌
extracted: (1) teeth with fractured roots (2) teeth Results
that were unsalvageable as a result of caries or
infection in the region of the fracture; and (3) This study included 67 patients (39 males,
teeth within the 仕acture line that were loose or 28 females) with 102 subsites of mandible
unstable. Stable teeth within the fracture line fracture, included 42 symphysis, 16 body, 15
were preserved for added reduction stability. angle, 12 subcondylar, 14 condylar, and 3
The outcome was evaluated at 12,h week. The alveolar fractures (Figure 4). The mean age
treatment morbidities are defined if there is of the pat悶nts was 31 土16 years (range, 10
uneven teeth contact, any clinical symptoms to 90 years). The most common etiology was
related to surgery, or bone malalignment on X-ray motorcycle accident (MCA) (72%, n=48),削lowed
finding. A statistical analysis using the chi-square by violence (9喘, n=6) and sliding (6%, n=4). Most
test and Fisher' s exact test was performed to of the patients were admitted by the ER (55帖,
determine the risk factors for prolonged hospital n=37) followed by trauma team referral (28%,
stay. The difference was regarded as significance n=19) and clinic referral (J 7%, n=l1). The median
if any the P value was less than 0.05. length of hospital stay was 7 days (range, 2 to 45
Symphysis Body Angle Subcondyle Condyle Alveolus
Multiple sites
27 6 12 10 11 2
Single site
16 10 3 2 3
Symphysis Body Angle Subcondyle Cor祖yle A惘。l喝
Fig. 4. Sixty• seven patients with 102 subsites of mandible 仕acture. The symphysis 佇acture combined
with posterior subsite企actureis the most common type of fracture
台灣口外誌 Manclibular Fractures in Suburb of Taiwan
ln these 102 subsites of fracture, Illost the hospital stay after surgery was 5 days (range,
fractures were categorized as greenstick 01' 2 to 35 days). Fifteen (27施) patients required a
silllple (54%) followed by cOllllllinutecl (24%) prolonged post
原始語言: -
目標語言: -
結果 (繁體中文) 1: [復制]
臺灣 J 口頭 Maxillofac 外科22: 175-188,2011 年 9 月兩年的治療結果的下頜在臺灣郊區醫院骨折志文程 ',榮吳 Yong',車易林 ',Min Te 昌2, 春榮陳 ',魏范江L31 Dentis甘γ 部,奇美醫學中心,Liouying,Tain凹臺灣2 Dentist門部,志 MeiMedical 中心,永康市,台南市1 所學校的國家楊明 Universi旬,Dentis甘y Taip凹,臺灣摘要台灣口外誌目的: 病因、 類型和下頜骨手術療效鼻骨在臺灣已很少被描述。Current仕ends 的研究在下頜骨骨折在郊區醫院將有助於臨床醫生和公共衛生研究人員更好地理解城市之間的差異和郊區的下頜鼻骨,設計適當的治療策略患者和方法: 回顧性分析 67 例2009 至 2010年年間在口腔部的下頜骨鼻骨和頜面外科,奇美醫院,Liouying。在監督下一個外科醫生 (蔣介石),102 tractured 子網站 were甘eated。結果: maleto 女性比率為 1.4: 1。摩托車交通事故是最常見的原因mandibular企actures(72%)。恥骨聯合是骨折主要子(41%),其次是身體骨折 (n = 16,15.7%) 和角度骨折 (n = 耐心,14.7%)。在此研究中,68.7%的患者顯示結合 fractu時,其中被定義為多個下頜子 01 中部骨折。ln 這研究,67 (66%) tractured 網站之間 55 例 were甘eatedby 手術重定和骨鋼板內固定術,包括 21 網站 1.6 毫米微型鋼板內固定治療系統,36 網站系統 2.0 毫米接骨板治療,治療的 9 網站2.3 毫米重建板系統和由拉力螺釘技術的一個網站I叮叮ySeverity 評分、 粉碎劈裂骨折和結合面中部翻揭骨骨折顯示顯著相關,與延長術後入住。醫源性併發症,術後無菌膿腫和螺絲鬆動,出現在 3 (4.5%)臼ses_ 結論: 摩托車事故是的 subw b mandibuJar 骨折的主要病因,這通常在更嚴重的損傷嚴重度評分。最優的住院時間期限必須進行評價,同時考慮到相關的損傷和骨折的類型。涉及的下頜骨骨折內固定使用 1.6 毫米微型夾板,2.0-mml2.3-m m 鎖定骨板產生理想成果關鍵字: MandibuJar 裂隙,郊區,摩托車,延長術後逗留,併發症。175臺灣 J 口頭 Maxillofac 外科介紹台灣口外誌Liouying,什omFebruary 2009年至 2010 年 12 月回顧性分析。病理和感染的管理下頜骨 fracturc fraclures 被排除在外。有兩個常見的做法,為口腔及頜面部外傷治療下頜骨骨折的主要戰略的外科醫生。下頜骨 fi'acture 可能是因為患者曾高位髁各種原因,例如交通 acciclenls,"8I1s,什actureand 髁狀突骨折減少了與襲擊,和運動,可以發生在 isolalion 三和一周剛性 intermaxillary自xatlon或結合其他傷害。(LMr),分別 (圖 1)。橡膠牽引這些骨折的流行病學變化 depencling (彈性國際貨幣基金組織) 應用瞧這些本院 fOI上的地理區域,一至兩個星期之後的社會經濟地位。另一個涉及,個人和組的患者 symphys時、 身體和 lowinvestigation 期 1';。在西方社會,1970 年代定位的髁骨折由骨切開重定和內固定涉及機制記錄的轉變冿 12損傷導致下頜骨骨折的 '"板塊。手術後,患者術後具體來說,vi ol巴nce 和體育 injllries 經歷了彈性國際貨幣基金組織為一到兩個更多更換電機 vehicl巴事故作為主要周 (圖 2 和 3)。如果患者顯示下頜骨仕acture 的原因。這些趨勢似乎結合面中部骨折,boltom 律師事務所固定要真正為城市明顯特別的順序依次的下牙弓而農村社區仍然顯示重要的重建、 下頜骨內固定,剛性的國際貨幣基金組織,汽車和麵中部 fìxation 期間招致的裂縫條數。手術重定和事故8'17在 20 世紀 80 年代,作為進行了研究下頜骨固定治療下頜骨什actures佇actures 在城市獨特的臺灣表明很快作為可能如果病人提出穩定交通事故是仍然主要 callse"。生命體征和意識清楚。手術下頜骨骨折的不同成因可能會對以下內容進行干預與年齡和性別,或網站和序列相關聯: 減少了什acturecl 段損傷的嚴重性。由 Erich 拱 bal',任何鬆動的牙齒刪除資料可用的病因和模式,和骨鋼板和螺釘固定了在臺灣這個郊區的下頜骨損傷的表現。F-1 76一台灣口外誌下頜骨骨折中的臺灣郊區圖 1。案例 01"雙插管髁狀突頸部 fracLUrc undcrwent 剛性頜間固定 (-C)。A阮er 1st周和 3'"月跟進,髁狀突 heacl oSLeogcnesis 和調整井 (D)177臺灣 J 口頭 Maxillofac 外科台獨口外誌圖 2。.A.一例低定位、 隨地吐痰型髁突骨折 (。A.) 經歷了兩個螺釘固定 (8)規定對所有的患者在手術時,後續考試錄和他們使用持續了 3 至 5 天 aA: 呃的 1、 2、 4、 6、 間隔和 12 周 aA: 呃手術,手術。.A.丘er 放電,使用腸內與額外的考試,如有必要。病人3 到 5 天抗生素。少於 6 個星期的後續行動被排除在外.A.ge,損傷,損傷程度什omthe 研究病因。.A.6 周 soA: 飲食獲悉成績、 骨折部位、 骨折類型、 為所有患者。Erich 拱酒吧被 leA: 在關聯的面中部骨折和治療是術後有助於指導鬆緊帶的位置作為引數。.A.粉碎如有必要,然後刪除在 4 周骨折是在門診局部麻醉下的三個或更多裂隙訪問 detined行。.A.劈裂骨折被定義為更多的 c1inic。後續的變數包括牙間比兩個骨折線之間的 1 釐米。檢查由鉸接紙,最大的接觸受影響的網站是由最低的邊境張口檢查由間切牙的距離,確定骨折線。因變數是和下頜骨系列或體層設置為術後 1、 4、 12 周,每隔的術後住院時間持續時間和患者進行了術後併發症,包括牙科評價感染、 錯牙合畸形,骨不連,開裂,嚴重的齲齒或牙周破壞osteomyel此時,and plate exposure. Those teeth meeting the following criteria were - 178 台灣口外話、 Mandibular Fractures in Suburb of Taiwan Fig. 3. A case口fcombinecl angle fr-aclure (A) and symphysis fraclure (B). 1 fe underwenl surgical fìxation by 2.3 mm bonc plate system for symphysis ti'acture (C) and by l.3 mm miniplate syslem fOl angle什acture(D). Postopcrative 4th week panoramic fìlm revealed bone gap was narrowing (E) 179 Taiwan J Oral Maxillofac Surg 台灣口外誌extracted: (1) teeth with fractured roots (2) teeth Results that were unsalvageable as a result of caries or infection in the region of the fracture; and (3) This study included 67 patients (39 males, teeth within the 仕acture line that were loose or 28 females) with 102 subsites of mandible unstable. Stable teeth within the fracture line fracture, included 42 symphysis, 16 body, 15 were preserved for added reduction stability. angle, 12 subcondylar, 14 condylar, and 3 The outcome was evaluated at 12,h week. The alveolar fractures (Figure 4). The mean age treatment morbidities are defined if there is of the pat悶nts was 31 土16 years (range, 10 uneven teeth contact, any clinical symptoms to 90 years). The most common etiology was related to surgery, or bone malalignment on X-ray motorcycle accident (MCA) (72%, n=48),削lowedfinding. A statistical analysis using the chi-square by violence (9喘, n=6) and sliding (6%, n=4). Most test and Fisher' s exact test was performed to of the patients were admitted by the ER (55帖,determine the risk factors for prolonged hospital n=37) followed by trauma team referral (28%, stay. The difference was regarded as significance n=19) and clinic referral (J 7%, n=l1). The median if any the P value was less than 0.05. length of hospital stay was 7 days (range, 2 to 45 days) Symphysis Body Angle Subcondyle Condyle Alveolus Multiple sites 27 6 12 10 11 2 n= Single site 16 10 3 2 3 n= 100% 80學660% 40% 20% 。%Symphysis Body Angle Subcondyle Cor祖yle A惘。l喝Fig. 4. Sixty• seven patients with 102 subsites of mandible 仕acture. The symphysis 佇acture combined with posterior subsite企actureis the most common type of fracture 一18。一台灣口外誌 Manclibular Fractures in Suburb of Taiwan ln these 102 subsites of fracture, Illost the hospital stay after surgery was 5 days (range, fractures were categorized as greenstick 01' 2 to 35 days). Fifteen (27施) patients required a silllple (54%) followed by cOllllllinutecl (24%) prolonged post
結果 (繁體中文) 2:[復制]

下頜tractures 2009年至2010年間在口腔部
單一的外科醫生(蔣),102 tractured子網站為甘eated.Results:本maleto,男女比例為1.4:1。摩托車事故是最常見的原因
(41%),其次是身體骨折(n = 16的15.7%)和角度裂縫(N =呵
使用1.6毫米的接骨板,2.0 mml2.3毫米非鎖定骨板得到理想的
關鍵詞:MandibuJar tracture,郊區,摩托車,術後長時間
柳營,什omFebruary 2009年至2010年十二月
這些骨折的流行病學而變化depencling(彈性國際貨幣基金)塗佈羅這些palients FOI
涉及的個人和組患者symphys時的時期,身體和lowinvestigation 1';.在西方社會,20世紀70年代定位髁骨折的治療
I 12
事故8“17 在20世紀80年代,下頜什actures下頜骨內固定的研究進行的佇actures在城市不同的台灣表現出盡快,如果病人出現穩定的交通事故仍然是主要的callse” 。生命體徵和意識清楚的外科頜骨骨折的不同原因可以干預在以下進行了什acturecl段分別減少:與年齡和性別,或位點和序列相關聯的嚴重性國稅發損傷由埃里希拱BAL'。任何鬆動的牙齒可在病因和圖案去掉,骨板數據和螺絲flxation都在這郊區台灣的下頜受傷進行F。- 176一台灣口外志下頜骨骨折的台灣市郊圖1.。案例01“bilaleral髁突頸部fracLUrc undcrwent剛性頜間fixalion(A - C)。一阮爾1 聖週和3'“個月的隨訪中,髁heacl oSLeogcnesis和重新調整以及(D)177 台Ĵ口腔頜面外科台獨口外志圖2 .A。情況下的低定位,隨地吐痰型髁的骨折(.A)經歷了兩次拉力螺釘內固定(八)規定對所有病人在手術,隨訪檢查記錄的時間以及它們持續3〜5天AA:ER 1,2區間, 4,6,和12週AA:呃手術。手術.A丘兒放,使用額外的檢查,如果有必要患者腸內的抗生素3〜5天以上遵醫囑用不到6個星期隨訪。 -up被排除.A.ge,損傷的病因,損傷程度什omthe研究。一個6週的SOA:。飲食被告知,得分,網站骨折,骨折的類型,對所有患者的埃里希弓槓是LEA :在相關聯的面中部斷裂,和治療是地方術後以便於引導彈性部件視為獨立變量.A粉碎如有必要,然後在4週除去。骨折detined三個或在局部麻醉下在門診更裂隙訪問系。.A。分裂骨折被定義為更加c1inic。後續變量包括齒間多於兩個斷裂線之間1厘米。通過關節紙檢查的接觸,極大影響網站是由最低的邊界張口通過跨距門齒檢查,確定骨折線。因變量是與下頜骨系列或全景X光片設定為術後住院每隔1,4和12週後手術的持續時間和主要術後並發症,包括牙科評價患者進行感染,咬合不正,骨不連,裂開,顯著齲齒或牙周破壞osteomyel此時,和鋼板外露。符合以下條件的那些牙齒- 178 在台灣郊區台灣口外話,頜骨骨折圖。3.情況下口fcombinecl角度FR-aclure(A)和聯合fraclure(B)。1 FE underwenl手術內固定了2.3毫米bonc板系統聯合ti'acture(C)和L.3毫米微型鋼板syslem FOL 角度什acture(D)。Postopcrative 4週全景片顯示骨差距正在縮小(E)179 台Ĵ口腔頜面外科台灣口外志提取:(1)與斷裂根牙(2)牙齒結果那名無法挽救的齲齒或結果在該地區感染骨折; (3)該研究共納入67例患者(男39例,牙齒仕acture行內有鬆動或28名女性)與102子網站下頜骨的不穩定。骨折線裂縫內穩定的牙齒,包括42聯合,16體,15 中保存添加還原穩定性。角,12髁,14髁和3 的結果已在12小時週評價。肺泡骨折(圖4)。平均年齡治療並發症是指如果有拍悶NTS的是31土16年(範圍,10 參差不齊的牙齒接觸,任何臨床症狀,90歲)。最常見的病因是與外科手術,或在X射線摩托車事故(MCA)骨排列不齊(72%,48例),削lowed 發現。統計分析用卡方通過暴力(9喘,N = 6)和滑動(6%,N = 4)。大多數的檢驗和Fisher的精確試驗,以病人由急診室被錄取(55帖,確定風險因素的長時間住院N = 37),其次是創傷小組推薦(28%,留下的差異被認為是意義N = 19)和診所轉診(十7%,N = L1)。正中,如果任何的P值小於0.05。住院天數為7天(範圍,2至45 天),恥骨聯合車身角度Subcondyle髁肺泡多個站點27 6 12 10 11 2 N = 單站點16 10 3 2 3 N = 100%,80學6 60%40%20 %。%恥骨聯合身體角度Subcondyle林祖YLE一個惘.L喝圖。4.六•7例102子網站下頜骨仕acture。該聯合佇acture結合後路子網站企actureis骨折最常見的類型一18一台灣口外志Manclibular骨折台灣郊區LN這些102子網站骨折,Illost住院手術後為5天(範圍,骨折患者歸類為青枝01'2至35天)。十五(27施)的患者需要silllple(54%),其次是cOllllllinutecl(24%)延長交

結果 (繁體中文) 3:[復制]

單外科醫生的監督下(蔣),102 tractured子網站甘eated.results:男女比例為1.4:1。機車事故進行下頜企性最常見的原因
主要子網站(41%),其次是體骨折(n = 16,15.7%)和角骨折(n =呵,
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