Closing their ears like cruel and barbarous people, [they] continuedto shoot arrows. The holy martyr fell to his knees, and [offered Jesushis soul], his body pierced and surrounded by so many arrows that thesoldiers who brought his body to the fortress said that they were morethan fve hundred. [The barbarous people cut off his head and hands andwent to celebrate in the mountains, but] the earth quaked mightily [andthe head of the saint] began crying copiously and sobbed so much that,flled with fear, they threw it into the river." INot all the villagers in the vicinity of the Spanish behaved like this.Sometimes they would just dance in a way "that is very disgraceful to oureyes. [...J Each time they turn round, in twos, they take a swallow of a verybad wine they have, and, sustained by this drink, continue dancing for six oreight hours, and even sometimes entire days, without stopping.