Concerning the results of all the referenced studies in this paper, theresearch on umami, the umami taste receptor, and umamicompounds has made enormous progress in the last few years. It isastonishing how many mechanisms in humans are influenced byumami and how many effects are elicited by umami and by umamicompounds. As outlined in this compilation, umami plays anessential role in a lot of different physiological mechanisms in thegut, the oral cavity, and the brain combining taste and smell orsupporting ingestion and digestion of foods. As mentioned in theintroduction, the development and production of healthier food willbe very important to avoid and to deal with food-induced diseaseslike obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure, which are verycommon in the Western world. Therefore, improvement of theproduction of “functional food” like food products reduced in sugar,fat, or salt will become more and more necessary in the future.Furthermore, it is crucial to make the daily diet healthier and morecomfortable for patients and for healthy people without reducingquality or palatability of the food. There should be a focus on sideeffects and interactions of various drugs, in order to preventcomplications. Many prospective studies will be conducted toimprove the investigation and development of umami substance andthe impact and properties of umami.