I just hope you understand my worries..
How would you react if I was the culprit?
Let's imagine...
1. I go on a quest to find a boyfriend
2. Contact several foreign boys (Korean, Japanese, Taiwanese, Thai, Filipino)
3. I tell them (you are very handsome!) or (Korean boys! they are very charming) or (I am really attracted to you! Can I add you on LINE, Facebook, or Skype?)
I also contacted you, and I also say these things to you..
4. I have talked to them a few times.. and I decided that you (林雨鑫) become my boyfriend, because you respect me a lot and I think you are very handsome..
But! I still stay in contact with the other boys Exchange pictures
5. I use the application frequently to find more boys to talk to~
6. I have decided that I want to learn Chinese.. so I find Chinese and Taiwanese boys! I flirt with them...
And then I ''''learn English with them''''
(Even though they think I am interested in them)
Do you understand what I am saying?