d) L’escriptura publica de compravenda s’ha de formalitzar en el termini maxim de 30 dies amb el pagament a la part propietaria del terreny de l’import de 1,575,000 euros a distribuir en les proporcions seguents:
d) writing published for the sale should be complete within a maximum of 30 days with the payment to the owner of the plot of the amount of 1,575, 000 euros to be distributed in the following proportions:
d) The deed must be completed within 30 days by paying the owner of the land in the amount of 1,575,000 euros to be distributed in the following proportions:
(d) l 'escriptura publish compravenda s' s formalitzar en el termini Maxim 30 dies AMB El payments to La part run del terreny de l' import of 1575000 euros to distribute en les proporcions seguents: