On the AVS / RS, the first study had been done by Malmborg [1]. Later, Malmborg [2] proposed a state equationmodel for predicting the proportion of Double Command Cycle (DCC) in AVS / RS. Fukunari and Malmborg [3]developed an efficient cycle time model for AVS / RS and compared their performance with the AS / RS with crane.Their model was based on an iterative computational scheme that took into account the assumption of randomstorage and it was be similar to queuing models. However, the most relevant articles are done by Carlo and Vis [4].aconveyor, two non-passing lifts that share a mast, multiple transfer shuttles, and a storage rack were included in theAS / RS they studied. They focused on the scheduling problem, where two piecewise linear functions were used toevaluate the alternative solution. Chung and Lee (2008) [5] used the GA and random storage strategy to develop adouble-loop mode to order the tasks for the AS / RS with a single shuttle. Speaking specifically, the GA modelproposed simultaneously determines the positions and order of tasks. And it also showed that the GA model wassuperior to two greedy heuristic algorithms