This is regarding re-drying of electrodes mentioned in your mail and the discussion we had in Seoul on the same issue like (1) old electrodes - taken out of vacuum packed condition but not used by client or the vacuum packing is damaged due to mishandling by client and the client feels it may pick up moisture and (2) The electrodes in vacuum packing but because it is lying with client for a very long time the client feels electrodes can pick up some moisture.
If re-drying is required in such situation , we suggest to re-dry the electrode once ( one time ) . We are sending a guideline for re-drying which was forwarded to distributors earlier which will be of help to you for re-drying different brands of Magna electrodes.
We always recommend use the electrode only after re-drying one time In case there is a very special situation that such old electrodes are to be re-dried two times then inform us the electrode brand , size etc. for further suggestion from our side ( we may recommend the drop test of 2-3 electrodes etc. as mentioned in our last mail on this subject ). However try to avoid 2nd time redrying of old electrodes.