With regard to physicians as patients, most studies focus oneconomic or social theories to explain the determining factors,medical utilization, and optimal structures for accessibility,affordability, and accountability of healthcare. These studieshave employed qualitative methods or small group surveys togather information and have shown that physicians may bemore aware of their physical situation [4] and have moresources of help than the general population of patients. Ingeneral, the slightly lower mortality rate or the below-averageutilization [5,6] of health care by physicians reflects theirpersonal health choices [7,8], which is most likely attributableto their high socioeconomic status (SES) and knowledge.However, a number of studies have found that there is noprotective effect for health care workers who are frequentlyexposed to ill patients [9], and studies have emphasized thehigh prevalence of mental health issues [10], such as suicide[11] and substance abuse [12], among doctors.