In addition, the results for the bare FBG and MCFBG sensors shown in Fig. 5(a) (where the sensors were embedded in cross-plylaminates) and Fig. 5(b) (where the sensors were embedded in quasi-isotropic-ply laminates) indicate a tendency toward graduallyincreasing intensity after approximately 70℃. Therefore, it is estimated that 70℃ may be the temperature for gelation. Moreover, theresults indicated that, at around 70℃, the intensity variable of the quasi-isotropic-ply laminates, as shown in Fig. 5(b), was biggerthan that of the cross-ply laminates, as shown in Fig. 5(a).After curing was completed, the temperature decreased. Based on the spectral variation trend during the temperature decline inthe curing process, shown in Fig. 6, the shift trend in the overall spectra of the temperature-decrease process was stable. However, thespectra have demonstrated a clear trend of broadening. In the cooling to room temperature process, spectra widened considerably.Therefore, we can deduce that all laminated sensors are affected by axial and lateral stresses. Further, the residual stress during thecooling process is generated by the outermost layer.
In addition, the results for the bare FBG and MCFBG sensors shown in Fig. 5(a) (where the sensors were embedded in cross-ply<br>laminates) and Fig. 5(b) (where the sensors were embedded in quasi-isotropic-ply laminates) indicate a tendency toward gradually<br>increasing intensity after approximately 70℃. Therefore, it is estimated that 70℃ may be the temperature for gelation. Moreover, the<br>results indicated that, at around 70℃, the intensity variable of the quasi-isotropic-ply laminates, as shown in Fig. 5(b), was bigger<br>than that of the cross-ply laminates, as shown in Fig. 5(a).<br>After curing was completed, the temperature decreased. Based on the spectral variation trend during the temperature decline in<br>固化過程中,在圖6中所示,在溫度降低過程的總光譜的移位的趨勢是穩定的。然而,<br>光譜表明擴大的明顯趨勢。在冷卻至室溫過程中,顯著的光譜加寬。<br>因此,我們可以推斷,所有層疊傳感器由軸向和橫向應力的影響。另外,在期間的殘餘應力<br>是由最外層產生的冷卻過程。