00:00:19,640 --> 00:00:24,689
won the favorite lot to like to use is a
small reflect just with a single bare
00:00:24,689 --> 00:00:25,840
bones in it
00:00:25,840 --> 00:00:31,720
no secrets and I think inside which the
secret just a bare bulb in small reflect
00:00:31,720 --> 00:00:39,180
and I use it alot of beauty beauty
lighting and fashion show you how easy
00:00:39,180 --> 00:00:51,170
it is and how it worked with shadows the
fishing under just get my exposure and
00:00:51,170 --> 00:00:55,660
I'm just gonna do this by I again pretty
much what I'm looking at is taking the
00:00:55,660 --> 00:00:59,399
back wall overexposed 2012 wat wil
something to keep punching this lineup
00:00:59,399 --> 00:01:15,730
broader and broader chillin studying get
that what will to clip
00:01:15,730 --> 00:01:21,640
and say yes to clip there that's pretty
much perfect way I want to start I'm
00:01:21,640 --> 00:01:27,870
doing quick color balance again because
we've changed diffuser on the light
00:01:27,870 --> 00:01:45,150
jumping find my average it's looking
pretty much spot on it saying 194 194
00:01:45,150 --> 00:01:49,600
194 so it's pretty much match what I was
getting off the beauty shop I'm just
00:01:49,600 --> 00:01:59,610
gonna leave it as is and I'll just do a
test shot then set up to look that I
00:01:59,610 --> 00:02:08,210
want to have my finish so very first
thing I look at his own have a little
00:02:08,210 --> 00:02:14,360
bit more contrast into the shot I have
more punch into it I'm just gonna move a
00:02:14,360 --> 00:02:20,510
couple of sliders and things around till
I get that very simple things I do first
00:02:20,510 --> 00:02:26,150
thing I'm going to do is lock of my
highlights and shadows just by coming in
00:02:26,150 --> 00:02:34,290
about 10% a jammed the curve and putting
out a app in basically looking into I
00:02:34,290 --> 00:02:40,080
can affect my highlights and shadows and
contrasts into the mid area which is
00:02:40,080 --> 00:02:46,300
mainly I mean the skin tones just to get
a slightly contrasting punches shot in
00:02:46,300 --> 00:02:51,250
that sort of made tons of her skin area
once I do that the shadows in the scheme
00:02:51,250 --> 00:02:55,410
tend to our in just a little bit and my
way of handling that is all just got to
00:02:55,410 --> 00:03:01,620
my saturation slider and pull about 10%
off the saturation of the whole image
00:03:01,620 --> 00:03:06,130
and now he's got a nice contrast image
without having that slightly RNG teens
00:03:06,130 --> 00:03:11,660
in shadows on the skin sometimes if I'm
doing the shop with a saturated type of
00:03:11,660 --> 00:03:16,930
gal and I can't risk losing the
situation again I'll jump on my vibrancy
00:03:16,930 --> 00:03:20,360
slide up and just bring vibrancy other
bid to bring all of vibrant colors
00:03:20,360 --> 00:03:25,100
backup which will still normal a skin
tones pretty safe I'm pretty happy with
00:03:25,100 --> 00:03:26,290
how that's looking
00:03:26,290 --> 00:03:30,560
now I'm just gonna show a few tricks of
what I do with this and a lot of people
00:03:30,560 --> 00:03:35,260
think these small silver reflectors is
no way you can do a beauty shop with
00:03:35,260 --> 00:03:41,409
this I can come in and do the most
gorgeous beauty showed a pretty that's
00:03:41,409 --> 00:03:49,109
better thank you beautiful beautiful the
light of these are just so gorgeous how
00:03:49,109 --> 00:03:56,510
it comes into skin been a very small
white source it means that very very
00:03:56,510 --> 00:04:01,980
small shadows a title shot shows which
create this beautiful sharpness and
00:04:01,980 --> 00:04:07,069
contrast around the image and it's
basically means beautiful fresh lot
00:04:07,069 --> 00:04:11,280
lighting and that's why use it to get
that fresh natural look out of the law
00:04:11,280 --> 00:04:19,039
doing this so many different angles I
can take this show you different ways
00:04:19,039 --> 00:04:27,259
whole news it's like the first one is I
can work around the model on this so if
00:04:27,259 --> 00:04:36,080
I come off a little bit I'm gonna drop
shadow of one side and a lot trying to
00:04:36,080 --> 00:04:40,430
work with the client the client does a
lot of that shot but I want the shadow
00:04:40,430 --> 00:04:47,039
on the other side access find $20 I can
move that showed up so I stepped to the
00:04:47,039 --> 00:04:54,990
other side a lot in the shadow most
refuse to pay me the $20 how I work
00:04:54,990 --> 00:04:58,820
about sharon is in the best way to think
about cellos is whatever side of the
00:04:58,820 --> 00:05:03,810
light you go is aside the shadows going
to go and the further you go on that
00:05:03,810 --> 00:05:08,260
side the further the shadows can follow
you so if I come on this time and stand
00:05:08,260 --> 00:05:14,990
hale I'll get a shadow sitting off her
to manage like a step further and hear
00:05:14,990 --> 00:05:22,110
the shadows will now increase so now I
can place the shadow however out and
00:05:22,110 --> 00:05:27,159
back I one if I have a client has a lot
of the freshest to this I love what it's
00:05:27,159 --> 00:05:33,050
doing to her by don't want the shadow on
showing up on the wall if I go directly
00:05:33,050 --> 00:05:34,600
below the lot
00:05:34,600 --> 00:05:40,910
old drop the shadows directly below the
mobile so now got rid of the shadow
00:05:40,910 --> 00:05:46,460
completely and I can go the other way
and canoes hold your hand up like that
00:05:46,460 --> 00:06:06,190
to me get to sit down literally just
sign up to life
00:06:06,190 --> 00:06:11,010
are used to relax more will know what
they're doing also met a self-insured
00:06:11,010 --> 00:06:18,080
BOC by being above the lot of brought
the shadow up above a lot of the
00:06:18,080 --> 00:06:25,670
problems we can get with it as a client
might say absolutely adore that charge
00:06:25,670 --> 00:06:32,260
except the shadow is too dark and we
promise to bring another lighting to try
00:06:32,260 --> 00:06:36,950
and fix that shallow destroyed the light
of ongoing also going to create a second
00:06:36,950 --> 00:06:49,040
shadow so what you can do is by bringing
a white color or wall
00:06:49,040 --> 00:07:22,150
come back really hasn't done much to it
it stayed pretty much the sign so why
00:07:22,150 --> 00:07:29,450
bring a white board is not fixing the
problem the trick I use is the shadow
00:07:29,450 --> 00:07:34,160
that sconce onto the model is the
direction the light is coming from the
00:07:34,160 --> 00:07:37,780
lot not where the light is pointing
that's what the luck directions coming
00:07:37,780 --> 00:07:45,160
from the light head to the model so if I
turn the light head in that what they
00:07:45,160 --> 00:07:51,280
did for all powerful Internet the about
like back in I'll be allocate the same
00:07:51,280 --> 00:07:58,090
shadows on the model but then have the
power the light-hitting the board coming
00:07:58,090 --> 00:08:05,510
in and softening of that shelter I can
bring that warning that much closer to
00:08:05,510 --> 00:08:09,380
an apparent attack small cutting even
further and see the whole thing but
00:08:09,380 --> 00:08:13,730
using one lied makes it very very easy
for me to control everything
00:08:13,730 --> 00:08:16,710
shocking move anyway don't have to worry
about what the second lot lobby doing
00:08:16,710 --> 00:08:23,750
the little things we can do hits and
gorgeous tricks with a lot for coming
00:08:23,750 --> 00:08:25,360
over here
00:08:25,360 --> 00:08:32,340
turning around the face of all she's
been a very bad girl just turned out to
00:08:32,340 --> 00:08:38,550
be a little bit just a touch it and like
it you just move that bored let's go
00:08:38,550 --> 00:08:43,329
back to where we started just gonna
leave this so we have a background
00:08:43,329 --> 00:09:04,829
so this is just giving me a background
they need to the wall little bit that
00:09:04,829 --> 00:09:09,829
you notify speaking at a gorgeous
beautiful nature turned a little bit
00:09:09,829 --> 00:09:19,809
more I can drop in the side and get a
beautiful little it going gorgeous hell
00:09:19,809 --> 00:09:23,639
I don't have to worry about exposing
anything we set up our exposure when we
00:09:23,639 --> 00:09:30,179
started she can do complete 360 surround
and I can work around that model in all
00:09:30,179 --> 00:09:35,049
different ways if Wallace often is a
step back that way with further can come
00:09:35,049 --> 00:09:39,790
off the water to touch really pretty
that's beautiful I cannot now start
00:09:39,790 --> 00:09:48,269
getting some nice clean shots no I shop
shadow is very easy very quick 2005 @
00:09:48,269 --> 00:09:54,169
likes to use another quick little trick
if we want to get that sunlight type of
00:09:54,169 --> 00:10:04,829
look to come back in line with all I set
this up more like a sunlight height I
00:10:04,829 --> 00:10:12,529
can get a really really nice sunlight
100:00:19,640--> 00:00:24,689赢得了最喜欢的很多,要想使用小反映只是与单个裸200:00:24,689--> 00:00:25,840在它的骨头300:00:25,840--> 00:00:31,720没有秘密,我认为里面只是一个光秃秃的灯泡在小反映了秘密400:00:31,720--> 00:00:39,180我用它大量的美容养颜照明和时装表演你多么容易500:00:39,180--> 00:00:51,170它是和它是如何工作与阴影钓鱼下只是得到我的曝光和600:00:51,170--> 00:00:55,660我只要去做这的我又漂亮我在看的多采取700:00:55,660--> 00:00:59,399后墙曝光西港岛线扫管笏 2012某事保持冲这个阵容800:00:59,399--> 00:01:15,730上尽情放松学习得到更广泛和更广泛那什么将到剪辑900:01:15,730--> 00:01:21,640说是那里夹很漂亮我是多完美的方式,我想要开始1000:01:21,640--> 00:01:27,870因为再做快速色彩平衡我们已经改变了扩压器上光1100:01:27,870--> 00:01:45,150跳找到它正在我平均很多现场对它说 194 1941200:01:45,150--> 00:01:49,600所以这是相当多的 194 匹配我的了美容店下车我只是1300:01:49,600--> 00:01:59,610要将其保持原样,我只是会尽测试射击然后设置来看,我1400:01:59,610--> 00:02:08,210所以非常首先要我完成thing I look at his own have a little1500:02:08,210 --> 00:02:14,360bit more contrast into the shot I havemore punch into it I'm just gonna move a1600:02:14,360 --> 00:02:20,510couple of sliders and things around tillI get that very simple things I do first1700:02:20,510 --> 00:02:26,150thing I'm going to do is lock of myhighlights and shadows just by coming in1800:02:26,150 --> 00:02:34,290about 10% a jammed the curve and puttingout a app in basically looking into I1900:02:34,290 --> 00:02:40,080can affect my highlights and shadows andcontrasts into the mid area which is2000:02:40,080 --> 00:02:46,300mainly I mean the skin tones just to geta slightly contrasting punches shot in2100:02:46,300 --> 00:02:51,250that sort of made tons of her skin areaonce I do that the shadows in the scheme2200:02:51,250 --> 00:02:55,410tend to our in just a little bit and myway of handling that is all just got to2300:02:55,410 --> 00:03:01,620my saturation slider and pull about 10%off the saturation of the whole image2400:03:01,620 --> 00:03:06,130and now he's got a nice contrast imagewithout having that slightly RNG teens2500:03:06,130 --> 00:03:11,660in shadows on the skin sometimes if I'mdoing the shop with a saturated type of2600:03:11,660 --> 00:03:16,930gal and I can't risk losing thesituation again I'll jump on my vibrancy2700:03:16,930 --> 00:03:20,360slide up and just bring vibrancy otherbid to bring all of vibrant colors2800:03:20,360 --> 00:03:25,100backup which will still normal a skintones pretty safe I'm pretty happy with2900:03:25,100 --> 00:03:26,290how that's looking3000:03:26,290 --> 00:03:30,560now I'm just gonna show a few tricks ofwhat I do with this and a lot of people3100:03:30,560 --> 00:03:35,260think these small silver reflectors isno way you can do a beauty shop with3200:03:35,260 --> 00:03:41,409this I can come in and do the mostgorgeous beauty showed a pretty that's3300:03:41,409 --> 00:03:49,109better thank you beautiful beautiful thelight of these are just so gorgeous how3400:03:49,109 --> 00:03:56,510it comes into skin been a very smallwhite source it means that very very3500:03:56,510 --> 00:04:01,980small shadows a title shot shows whichcreate this beautiful sharpness and3600:04:01,980 --> 00:04:07,069contrast around the image and it'sbasically means beautiful fresh lot3700:04:07,069 --> 00:04:11,280lighting and that's why use it to getthat fresh natural look out of the law3800:04:11,280 --> 00:04:19,039doing this so many different angles Ican take this show you different ways3900:04:19,039 --> 00:04:27,259whole news it's like the first one is Ican work around the model on this so if4000:04:27,259 --> 00:04:36,080I come off a little bit I'm gonna dropshadow of one side and a lot trying to4100:04:36,080 --> 00:04:40,430work with the client the client does alot of that shot but I want the shadow4200:04:40,430 --> 00:04:47,039on the other side access find $20 I canmove that showed up so I stepped to the4300:04:47,039 --> 00:04:54,990other side a lot in the shadow mostrefuse to pay me the $20 how I work4400:04:54,990 --> 00:04:58,820about sharon is in the best way to thinkabout cellos is whatever side of the4500:04:58,820 --> 00:05:03,810light you go is aside the shadows goingto go and the further you go on that4600:05:03,810 --> 00:05:08,260side the further the shadows can followyou so if I come on this time and stand4700:05:08,260 --> 00:05:14,990hale I'll get a shadow sitting off herto manage like a step further and hear4800:05:14,990 --> 00:05:22,110the shadows will now increase so now Ican place the shadow however out and4900:05:22,110 --> 00:05:27,159back I one if I have a client has a lotof the freshest to this I love what it's5000:05:27,159 --> 00:05:33,050doing to her by don't want the shadow onshowing up on the wall if I go directly5100:05:33,050 --> 00:05:34,600below the lot5200:05:34,600 --> 00:05:40,910old drop the shadows directly below themobile so now got rid of the shadow5300:05:40,910 --> 00:05:46,460completely and I can go the other wayand canoes hold your hand up like that5400:05:46,460 --> 00:06:06,190to me get to sit down literally justsign up to life5500:06:06,190 --> 00:06:11,010are used to relax more will know whatthey're doing also met a self-insured5600:06:11,010 --> 00:06:18,080BOC by being above the lot of broughtthe shadow up above a lot of the5700:06:18,080 --> 00:06:25,670problems we can get with it as a clientmight say absolutely adore that charge5800:06:25,670 --> 00:06:32,260except the shadow is too dark and wepromise to bring another lighting to try5900:06:32,260 --> 00:06:36,950and fix that shallow destroyed the lightof ongoing also going to create a second6000:06:36,950 --> 00:06:49,040shadow so what you can do is by bringinga white color or wall6100:06:49,040 --> 00:07:22,150come back really hasn't done much to itit stayed pretty much the sign so why6200:07:22,150 --> 00:07:29,450bring a white board is not fixing theproblem the trick I use is the shadow6300:07:29,450 --> 00:07:34,160that sconce onto the model is thedirection the light is coming from the6400:07:34,160 --> 00:07:37,780lot not where the light is pointingthat's what the luck directions coming6500:07:37,780 --> 00:07:45,160from the light head to the model so if Iturn the light head in that what they6600:07:45,160 --> 00:07:51,280did for all powerful Internet the aboutlike back in I'll be allocate the same6700:07:51,280 --> 00:07:58,090shadows on the model but then have thepower the light-hitting the board coming6800:07:58,090--> 00:08:05,510在和软化的那个收容所里我可以带那警告说更接近于6900:08:05,510--> 00:08:09,380明显的攻击小甚至切割进一步,看看整件事,但7000:08:09,380--> 00:08:13,730使用一个撒谎使它非常非常的好我要控制一切7100:08:13,730--> 00:08:16,710令人震惊的举动反正不必担心关于第二批的游说做7200:08:16,710--> 00:08:23,750我们可以做点击的小事和华丽的技巧有很多的到来7300:08:23,750--> 00:08:25,360在这里7400:08:25,360--> 00:08:32,340扭转的所有她的脸是一个非常坏的女孩刚生产出来7500:08:32,340--> 00:08:38,550是一点点只是触摸它,喜欢它只是移动,无聊吧7600:08:38,550--> 00:08:43,329回到我们开始的地方只去的离开这,所以我们有一个背景7700:08:43,329--> 00:09:04,829所以这只给了我一个背景他们需要在墙上一点,7800:09:04,829--> 00:09:09,829你通知会上华丽美丽的大自然打开一点点7900:09:09,829--> 00:09:19,809更多我可以放在身边,并获得美丽小 it 会华丽的地狱8000:09:19,809--> 00:09:23,639我不需要担心暴露什么我们建立我们接触时我们8100:09:23,639--> 00:09:30,179开始她可以做完成 360 环绕and I can work around that model in all8200:09:30,179 --> 00:09:35,049different ways if Wallace often is astep back that way with further can come8300:09:35,049 --> 00:09:39,790off the water to touch really prettythat's beautiful I cannot now start8400:09:39,790 --> 00:09:48,269getting some nice clean shots no I shopshadow is very easy very quick 2005 @8500:09:48,269 --> 00:09:54,169likes to use another quick little trickif we want to get that sunlight type of8600:09:54,169 --> 00:10:04,829look to come back in line with all I setthis up more like a sunlight height I8700:10:04,829 --> 00:10:12,529can get a really really nice sunlightlook
