he common-flow-up configuration is an appropriate choice to purse more heat transfer enhancement and gain more pressure loss reduction. From the consideration of thermal hydraulics, the elliptical tube geometry offers significant advantages over the circular tube. Thus, as a first trial we intend to combine the common-flow-up winglet LVG configuration and elliptical structure, and test their performance numerically. Seven different horizontal rectangular channels are compared: Case A, common-flow-down rectangular winglet configuration, which proposed by Huang’s work [30]; Case B,
common-flow-down delta winglet configuration; Case C, common-flow-up rectangular winglet configuration; Case D, common-flow-up delta winglet configuration; Case E, commonflow-up rectangular winglet combined with elliptical pole configuration (the first new one); Case F, common-flow-up delta winglet combined with elliptical pole configuration (the second new one); Case G, smooth channel. The list of channel configuration is shown in Table 1. The heat transfer and flow characteristics of these rectangular channels are investigated, and the heat transfer enhancement of LVGs is analyzed by field synergy principle. The comprehensive heat transfer performance of above channels is compared by the performance evaluation parameter, JF factor.