Specimens printed from the β-TCP:CaSO 4 powder combinations
exhibited relatively poorgreencompressive strength,whichwassignif-
icantly lower (p b 0.05) than the same specimen geometry printed
using the HA:CaSO 4 powder combinations (Fig. 6). Differences were
also noted between CaP (fine):CaSO 4 and the CaP (coarse):CaSO 4 pow-
der combinations in terms of green compressive strength. The extent of
theCaP:CaSO 4 ratiowasalsoafactor.IncreasingtheCaPweightratiofor
both the CaP (fine):CaSO 4 and CaP (coarse):CaSO 4 powder combina-
tionsresultedinasignificantreduction(pb 0.05)inthegreencompres-
sive strength. Overall, the more favorable 3DP quality was achieved for