During thermal decomposition, there are three main degraded temperatures, onset temperature (To), peak temperature (Tp), and flow temperature (Tf ). Those of the NRPMMA/SiO2-PMMA nanocomposites increase by 5.4◦C, 4.9◦C and 5.7◦C, respectively, in comparison with those of the pure NR. Incorporating with the distribution observed from SEM, the thermal stability depends on the distribution of SiO2 nanoparticles. The more homogenously the SiO2 nanoparticles disperse in NR matrix, the stronger the reaction between the molecules is [36]. Because the decomposition has been slowed down, the ageing resistance of nanocomposite is improved compared to the pure NR. Thisfrom another aspect supports the feasibility and efficiency
of similar dissolve mutually theory in the preparation ofNR/silica composite.