Not so falls don't know who would want to stop you. No flare-up people don't know who cares about you at the critical moment. There was a time you and some people have a good relationship, and think they can becomes a true friend, yet he gradually faded from your memory. Sometimes you'll have to talk to someone every day sticking together,But suddenly one day, he quietly slipped away. Took me a long time to learn, and who were not cooked too quickly, do not taoxintaofei to everyone, because not everyone really wants to know you, become true friends. Do not think that started the topic, you're too late best friend.So-called sudden soul friend, sometimes there is probably don't mind. Who does not think himself in there to eat, and some people just don't like you. Time will tell,Friends are the people who see you all didn't go. Some people are talking, very pleasing one ... ... But most of the time tend to be fake, experienced wind and rain that's really true. Don't be sarcastic mouth base people around,Because what he said was you need to correct weaknesses; beware of you sweet people, because may is looking for opportunities to cheat you. Time will teach you to see every face. Walk slowly and you'll find,At the time of the deposition, and who really care about you and your everything.