Purpose: single camera visual track process in the, often occurred target was block or background complex of situation, at this time easy with lost target, to improve track of accuracy. method: this from target performance and background of uncertainty start, to Association variance features on target performance and background for built die, while will sequence sequential intends Monte Carlo filtering as track framework application Yu Visual target track, optimization sampling particle of distribution, in estimated particle of weights Shi, not only consider target of real state and may state of similar sexual, Also takes into account the differences of status and background of the target may be.: results: will the proposed algorithm and particle filter, mean shift,Comparison of probabilistic tracking algorithm based on covariance, Matlab2010 programming platform, comparison of several algorithms for processing speed, as well as tracking error, test results show that the proposed algorithm is processed per second speed of 60 frames per second, better than the three tracking average error value is higher than the other three algorithms ... Conclusion this paper when there is occlusion and background are more complex algorithm in target, to ensure that targets for accurate, continuous track.