High intensity fires can cause enormous damage to water catchments by destroying ground cover and changing hydrology, as well as altering the structure, behaviour and erosion of soil. The loss of riparian vegetation may result in high volumes of sediment (measured as turbidity) entering the stream and may also increase stream temperatures due to a lack of shade.Chemical reactions triggered by fire can release nutrients, metals and other toxicants stored in vegetation and soil. Rainfall after a fire washes these contaminants into waterways and reservoirs, which can have substantial implications for agriculture, human safety and amenity.Use of affected water may be unsafe for agriculture or human consumption without additional treatment or alternative water sources may have to be found.Local food chain can also be affected by loss of riparian vegetation after a fire, which leads to:higher water temperaturesincreased light availabilityloss of habitatreduced protection from predators for instream biota.Combined with increased contaminant loading, increased water temperature can trigger greater breakdown of organic matter by bacteria, which may deplete oxygen levels in the water.Fish suffocation is a common result of this sudden depletion of dissolved oxygen.