It's Mike. The player is Mike.
I hated this theory so much. I thought it was really dumb. But now I see no other option. Please hear me out. I do not believe that Scott originally intended the FNaF 4 brother to be Mike Schmidt, but he is now. It's a retcon. Scott saw our theories about Mike being a major character in the series and decided to make it so. I didn't want to believe it, but I no longer have any doubt.
There are several reasons for this:
The player character's name is Mike. Literally. It tells you. HandUnit tells you. It's Mike's HandUnit, HandUnit model 5. Mike is a worker there. It's not some other worker's unit, either. CBEAR is still in use- 2 employees enter the building on night 4. We hear them talking. It is very much still in business.
The color of the Scottgames logo is the same exact color as the brother's text in FNaF 4. Like, not exaggerating. It is the same color. We wondered for months why it was gray. It doesn't make sense for it to be gray. It should be pink or blue, right? To fit Sister Location's colors. But no, it's gray, and it has been gray since February, since Sister Location started being developed with the lines teaser- back when Scott, presumably, drafted the story.
The player character has a connection to the girl killed by Baby. "Isn't that why you came here? To be with her again?" And then the little girl talks to us through Ennard on private night.
The protagonist lives in the FNaF 4 house. This rules it down to several characters- because we know that the protag LIVES in that house. They MUST live there. So this means the player in Sister Location is either. We also know that the player is male as Baby addresses us as being male when speaking to Ballora. So we could be playing as the following characters:
The FNaF4 crying child. (wat)
The crying child's father (William Afton, I'll get to that in a minute)
The crying child's older brother.
So, in reality, there are only two people who live in that house that we could be playing as. This isn't straw grasping. They live in the house. We have two candidates, and it can't be Afton.
Let's get this straight: Afton is not the player. The animatronics, the funtimes, bidybabs, minireenas, Ballora, and Baby, are all filed under the trademark of AFTON ROBOTICS, a company that Henry had no involvement with as Henry created Freddy, Foxy, Chica, Bonnie, Spring Bonnie and Fredbear in his personal workshop. Henry died sometime mid 80s- we know he died sometime after the missing children's incident, which took place before 1987 but after 1983. Henry killed himself because his son was killed by Afton and he was accused. Sister Location must take place after FNaF 2 because the FNaF 2 location is the first time Freddy Fazbear's was closed for an extended duration (presumably from 1987 to 1992).
Anyways, Baby doesn't recognize the player, meaning the player had no hand in her creation and was not normally present at Circus Baby's Pizza World.
We also know that Afton created the funtimes because little English girl claims that "daddy made her just for me".
Reminder that, again, the player is a technician. Not only is the player a technician, but AGAIN, he is an ordinary worker, he is given a handunit and has no idea what to do on his first night and needs HandUnit to guide him through everything. Reminder that, again, Afton OWNS CBEAR.
And if you need even more... well, Springtrap has organs.
However the rabbit hole gets deeper as we know that
Afton is watching the FNAF 4 bedroom with cameras
Afton's daughter is the girl who Baby kills. The only two characters with an english accent, chosen carefully by Scott to ensure that the connection was made obvious. It was a very deliberate choice.
Using these two facts, we can conclude, as many people have: Afton owns the FNAF 4 house, his children are Crying Child, Bully Brother Mike and British Girl.
Taking this further we can deduce that the very mysterious girls room in FNaF 4 belongs to Afton's daughter.
Here is what I think a lot of people are missing: The FNaF 4 pigtail girl and the girl Baby kill are the same person. Piercing green eyes and ginger hair. I did not believe this myself until I realized the eyes. He very deliberately chose to make her eyes bright green. A very strange color, even back in FNaF 4. The eyes reveal everything.
Remember that the girl says that Afton designed Baby based on her appearance- but the girl doesn't HAVE pigtails. It's because... they're down today. Yes, seriously. She wore her hair differently today. Most people don't wear the same outfit every day.
And Baby's eyes only turn that piercing green color after she has murdered the little girl.
So. What is the plot of Sister Location? Just from this simple step-by-step analysis of the player, by removing all impossible answers, we get our story.
William Afton had children with an unknown woman whose last name is Schmidt. They seperated, or at the very least _____ Schmidt kept her last name, and so did the chi
It's Mike. The player is Mike.I hated this theory so much. I thought it was really dumb. But now I see no other option. Please hear me out. I do not believe that Scott originally intended the FNaF 4 brother to be Mike Schmidt, but he is now. It's a retcon. Scott saw our theories about Mike being a major character in the series and decided to make it so. I didn't want to believe it, but I no longer have any doubt.There are several reasons for this:The player character's name is Mike. Literally. It tells you. HandUnit tells you. It's Mike's HandUnit, HandUnit model 5. Mike is a worker there. It's not some other worker's unit, either. CBEAR is still in use- 2 employees enter the building on night 4. We hear them talking. It is very much still in business.The color of the Scottgames logo is the same exact color as the brother's text in FNaF 4. Like, not exaggerating. It is the same color. We wondered for months why it was gray. It doesn't make sense for it to be gray. It should be pink or blue, right? To fit Sister Location's colors. But no, it's gray, and it has been gray since February, since Sister Location started being developed with the lines teaser- back when Scott, presumably, drafted the story.The player character has a connection to the girl killed by Baby. "Isn't that why you came here? To be with her again?" And then the little girl talks to us through Ennard on private night.The protagonist lives in the FNaF 4 house. This rules it down to several characters- because we know that the protag LIVES in that house. They MUST live there. So this means the player in Sister Location is either. We also know that the player is male as Baby addresses us as being male when speaking to Ballora. So we could be playing as the following characters:The FNaF4 crying child. (wat)The crying child's father (William Afton, I'll get to that in a minute)The crying child's older brother.So, in reality, there are only two people who live in that house that we could be playing as. This isn't straw grasping. They live in the house. We have two candidates, and it can't be Afton.Let's get this straight: Afton is not the player. The animatronics, the funtimes, bidybabs, minireenas, Ballora, and Baby, are all filed under the trademark of AFTON ROBOTICS, a company that Henry had no involvement with as Henry created Freddy, Foxy, Chica, Bonnie, Spring Bonnie and Fredbear in his personal workshop. Henry died sometime mid 80s- we know he died sometime after the missing children's incident, which took place before 1987 but after 1983. Henry killed himself because his son was killed by Afton and he was accused. Sister Location must take place after FNaF 2 because the FNaF 2 location is the first time Freddy Fazbear's was closed for an extended duration (presumably from 1987 to 1992).Anyways, Baby doesn't recognize the player, meaning the player had no hand in her creation and was not normally present at Circus Baby's Pizza World.We also know that Afton created the funtimes because little English girl claims that "daddy made her just for me".Reminder that, again, the player is a technician. Not only is the player a technician, but AGAIN, he is an ordinary worker, he is given a handunit and has no idea what to do on his first night and needs HandUnit to guide him through everything. Reminder that, again, Afton OWNS CBEAR.And if you need even more... well, Springtrap has organs.However the rabbit hole gets deeper as we know thatAfton is watching the FNAF 4 bedroom with camerasAfton's daughter is the girl who Baby kills. The only two characters with an english accent, chosen carefully by Scott to ensure that the connection was made obvious. It was a very deliberate choice.Using these two facts, we can conclude, as many people have: Afton owns the FNAF 4 house, his children are Crying Child, Bully Brother Mike and British Girl.Taking this further we can deduce that the very mysterious girls room in FNaF 4 belongs to Afton's daughter.Here is what I think a lot of people are missing: The FNaF 4 pigtail girl and the girl Baby kill are the same person. Piercing green eyes and ginger hair. I did not believe this myself until I realized the eyes. He very deliberately chose to make her eyes bright green. A very strange color, even back in FNaF 4. The eyes reveal everything.Remember that the girl says that Afton designed Baby based on her appearance- but the girl doesn't HAVE pigtails. It's because... they're down today. Yes, seriously. She wore her hair differently today. Most people don't wear the same outfit every day.And Baby's eyes only turn that piercing green color after she has murdered the little girl.
So. What is the plot of Sister Location? Just from this simple step-by-step analysis of the player, by removing all impossible answers, we get our story.
William Afton had children with an unknown woman whose last name is Schmidt. They seperated, or at the very least _____ Schmidt kept her last name, and so did the chi