1. If you are asked what color the sky is, you would probably answer that it is blue. However, the sky is orange red when the sun sets in the evening. What causes the different colors of the sky? The reason___(1) ___in the wavelengths of light from the sun. Basically, white light from the sun is ___ (2) ___of different colored wavelengths. The wavelength of blue is short ___ (3) ___red has a long wavelength. Since light with a short wavelength is scattered, this explains ___ (4) ___ the sky looks blue. On the other hand, the sky looks red and orange at sunrise and sunset because both of these colors have long wavelengths that scatter less. When you are looking at the sky, you can imagine how nature works ___ (5) ___ in the sky.<br>1.<br> A. waves<br> B. bans<br> C. lies<br> D. files<br>2.<br> A. limited<br> B. included<br> C. composed<br> D. utilized<br>3.<br> A. because<br> B. but<br> C. though<br> D. instead<br>4.<br> A. where<br> B. who<br> C. why<br> D. when<br>5.<br> A. merits<br> B. trusts<br> C. rates<br> D. wonders