2.3. StatisticsA factorial arrangement of six treatments in randomized complete block design was usedwith 10 replicates each. Residuals of all variables were tested for homogeneity of variances andnormality using the tests after Levene and Shapiro–Wilk, respectively. Differences in DM, RGR,nutrient concentrations and nutrient uptake, elemental ratios and RUR of specific elements weretested between by two way ANOVA, using the PC program StatPlus 2009 (AnalystSoft Inc., Walnut,CA, USA). Each significant ANOVA result (p < 0.05) was followed by an LSD tests at p < 0.05 aspost-hoc test to compare pair wise means within and among treatments. Values given throughout thetext are means SD.3. Results3.1. GrowthUnder abundant fresh water and nutrient supply during the nursery period (until DAS 30), nodifferences were found regarding plant growth parameters of inoculated and non-mycorrhizal tomatoseedlings. After transplanting, salinity stress immediately and significantly affected the relativegrowth rate and dry matter accumulation (DAS 30–37; Table 1). The relative growth rate of plants(RGRPlant) and the relative growth rate of roots (RGRRoot) of transplanted seedlings (DAS 30–37)