While there is some variation in the form of pilgrimage stupas, they all tend to follow the same general layoutAll of the stupas at pilgrimage complexes seem to contain relics, often attributed to the Buddha himself.The andas覆缽are generally large. The andaof Stupa 1 at Sanchiis over 12 meters high, with a diameter of roughly 32 meters.At all these early sites the andaswere placed on raised platforms (drums塔基). The role of the drums was fairly straightforward—they elevated the anda.Raising the andaachieved two purposes.First, on the practical side, raising the andaallowed more distant viewers to see it above the shoulders of closer viewers. Second, the drums also raised the perceived status of the andathrough physical elevation.One additional benefit of the drums is that they increased the mass of the stupa, giving it a greater physical presence. 29