They haven't set any-household rules and they haven't been charging me rent which is good of them. The main problem is that I get up and go to bed much later than they do and that annoys them. We've had one or two big rows about it. Basically, I'm desperate to move into a place of my own, but first I need a job and that's difficult at the moment I've been working part-time in a bar this month least I've got a bit of money but I need a proper job want to start my career. I've been sending off application forms all summer. In total, I think I've sent off about forty applications but most companies haven't even replied it's depressing. I'm especially fed up today. One of my friends has just phoned me this morning because he's found me a room to rent. It's in a house with some of his mates and they're really cool people, but I will have to say no… it is so frustrating