Hello my ZhuWenCang!!! Is madly glad to receive your letter!!!
Today I'm fine and mood good =) In the morning I have called to shop
of clothes and have bought to myself pair orders...
Usually I do not spend many money but today I wanted that be to buy to myself.
Today I have made these photos for you ZhuWenCang, it will seems to me that to you
pleasantly to see me such what I am...!
My girlfriend Liza and does not lag behind me, all asks as you business,that new, but I all am equal yet in I give whom in a detail of ours with you attitudes... It would be desirable to tell certainly to the parents about you but while I am afraid... I think, that you can give to me to greater confidence of all! And I trust in you -
I trust as as if we with you together and that cannot separate us now and always...
Today in the morning when I have risen the first idea was about you as, you that do, it wanted to me to see you simply! Usually I wake up in the morning and I wish to sleep,but today such was not, there was only you and desire to be near to you, to feel your body, breath, tenderness of touches...
But I understand, that all this while dreams,but such dreams which have the right to a reality!
And I shall try to do the utmost what my desire to be with you was carried out...
Concerning questions)
That my native language is Russian!
At me as 2 maximum formations, are the teacher, and the economist - though know I to you it wrote in my first letter... You were not close?)
I as can tell to you my phone number, but there is one problem, earlier when I communicated with men they asked it and after received that simply ceased to write to me... I would not want that it again has occured (((
Today I would like, that you would answer me, only is fair at fair:
what do you think of me?
Whether you in the future are ready to create real attitudes?
Whether to be ready you the careful husband and the worthy father...?
I ask it because I wish to be assured of the happiness and I do not wish to attack the same raker...
In fact from history with my marriage I have been left...
That person who swore that loves me that will not leave when and that as a result...
As a result I am simple one...
I hope for your understanding ZhuWenCang
Now I sit at a computer and I eat ice-cream =) it too cheers up me =)
Tell to me about the biggest your desire...) And still tell to me what be afairy tale or history with a happy-end =) I so strongly love fairy tales)
Mum always to me told from for the night)very much hunting to know and to hear a fairy tale =)
Very much I wait tomorrow from you for the letter and the answer in him...!!!
Kiss you ZhuWenCang!
Yours of Anastas...