>RMA-020277-0001>0021AJ00742>It will change without permission from :M to :D.>(change USB memory drive from :M to :D.)Yuki-> This symptom is that change drive name from M to D automatically with some device connected to USB1 & USB2 on M/B. Do you understand my explanation?Alan: The drive OS is only show Windows (C:) only in our environment.This symptom is that change drive name from M to D automatically Drive name M is used for USB device with changed drive name at our side.When plug in the following device, drive name of usb device is changed to D that is original drive.upper of USB1: printerlower of USB1: CD driveupper of USB2: USB memorylower of USB2: magnetic reader>RMA-020291-0001>Could you please help me let me know the detail ? environment , condition etc….Yuki-> This is happened at our FQC. Evey time plug in the above device, freeze at TERAOKA mark A2.