Push rod ejection mechanism is the simplest and most commonly used form, which has the characteristics of simple manufacture, convenient replacement, good effect and so on. Push direct contact with plastic parts, mold plastic parts will launch.The shape of the cross section of the pushing rod; can be divided into round, square or oval shapes, according to the plastic parts to launch site, the shape of a cross section of the most commonly used round; push rod is divided for ordinary putter and forming putting two, the former is plastic parts will launch the role, which not only that but also participate in local forming, so use of a push is very flexible.(1) push rod size calculation, this design uses is the putter launched, in the premise of unwinding the clamping force can be on the push rod to make preliminary diameter budget and strength check. This design adopts the square push rod, and the size of the solid square push rod which is arranged in the three part of the workpiece is the size of the moving die.(2) the fixed form of the push rod: the fixed form of the push rod is various, but the most commonly used is the push rod in the form of the fixed plate, in addition to the form of screw fastening, etc..(3) the agency launched the orientation: when the push rod is fine or putting a large number, in order to prevent plastic anti resistance is not uniform and lead to push rod fixed in twisted or inclined broken rod or motion card lag phenomenon, need in the launch of the mechanism is provided with a guide part, commonly known to push plate guide pillar.(4) the introduction of the mechanism of the reset: release mechanism to complete the top of the plastic parts for the next cycle must be returned to the initial position, the current commonly used in the form of reset and reset the main reset. This design adopts the spring return mechanism, the spring return mechanism is one of the most simple way to reset. The launch of the spring is compressed, and the clamping spring back force will launch reset mechanism.(5) the fit between the push rod and the die body: the matching property of the push rod and the mould body is generally H8/f7 or H7/f7, and the gap value is matched with the gap value. The length is generally 1.5 to 2 times the diameter, at least more than 10mm, the push rod and the push rod fixed plate between the holes left enough gap, push rod relative to the fixed plate is floating, as shown in figure 3-7.