io mi sono informata alla posta e purtroppo senza numero non è possibile rintracciare niente per tanto chiedo il rimborso immediato dell'intero importo di 21,56 mi spiace ma il feedback non lo rimuovo al massimo se avrò il rimborso tempestivamente potrò fare una annotazione positiva al riguardo
I have informed the post without number and unfortunately you can't trace anything so I request immediate repayment of the entire amount of 21.56 sorry but do not remove feedback than if I get refund in a timely manner will make a positive record in this regard
I have informed the post and unfortunately no number is not possible to find anything so I ask for the immediate repayment of the entire amount of 21.56 sorry but the feedback did not remove the maximum refund promptly if I have I can make a positive record respect
I am in the mail, unfortunately, not what is not possible tracking numbers, ask for feedback 21,56 sorry immediately repay the full amount if I don't get it up can be reimbursed promptly annotation on a positive note