Apple is an expert grasp the consumption trend. Grasp the consumption trend, Apple becomes the initial few brand in PC market, it is regrettable that, too far ahead of the product vision, Apple has lost the vast majority of the market share in the PC. Then, on humanity to Cha and and lit of capacity makes Apple can timely adjustment needs meet strategy, building has pragmatic of design innovation, that for each a new of products design concept, Apple are requirements its engineers provides three copies evaluation file, that a copies market development file, and a copies engineering file and a copies user experience file; if this three a file was Executive Committee evaluation and recognized, design group on will get a pen budget. This market-oriented-not from a technical point of view, but from a marketing perspective, to determine what kind of products and price policy is worth try.Differentiated marketing channelsApple for different types of products, sales channels with their own characteristics.