Only six documents jointly studying both fields of research (reverse logistics and urban logistics)were identified (Table 1). Certainly, just a few papers and focused on different topics: Urban wastemanagement, e-commerce product returns, reverse supply chain design issues, and stakeholderengagement. A brief description of such papers is provided in the following paragraphs.Regarding urban waste management problem, Buhrkal et al. [25] describe cost optimal routesfor garbage trucks to collect customers’ waste within a given time window while minimizing travelcosts. By using an adaptive large neighborhood search algorithm (ALNS) and applying it to Danishgarbage collection companies, they show that the previously established routes can be improved.Therefore, reverse supply chain design issues are also considered in the paper. Although the proposedmethodology seems to be effective, other applications to different contexts would be necessary inorder to confirm its proper performance. Moreover, the development of practical implications notonly for waste collection companies but also for other relevant parties is missing. Soto et al. [26] usethe continuum approximation methodology to solve a network problem related to the number andlocations of recycling centers (design issues) for solid waste to be installed in a specific urban region inChile (waste management). The main objective is to maximize benefits and minimize costs from bothprivate (recycling companies) and social (households and individuals) perspectives. The results confirmthat the optimal solution means a great social contribution but an investment with low profitability in private terms. Although some interesting ideas arise from the study, they are not sufficientlydeveloped. Moreover, the proposed methodology is applied to a very specific context, so it might limitthe generalizability of the outcomes. Similarly, Costa-Salas et al. [27] acknowledge reverse logistics asa crucial strategy in addressing the challenges involved in urban waste collection operations. By usingintegrated simulation techniques and optimization methods, the authors analyze a reverse logisticssystem to collect discarded tires in a Colombian city (waste management). Although specific citycharacteristics, such as the topography of the city (e.g., hilly roads) and the neighborhood accessibilityare considered, the results are quite general and mainly focused on the fleet sizes and the transportroutes described in the problem (design issues).