00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:03,030
as we progress through the photography
101 series we're gonna be teaching you
00:00:03,030 --> 00:00:07,129
all sorts of ways that you can use the
cameras in camera metering system to
00:00:07,129 --> 00:00:10,580
basically measure the amount of light
around you but for right now we don't
00:00:10,580 --> 00:00:13,450
want to get into all the technical stuff
I want you all to get out shooting with
00:00:13,450 --> 00:00:17,510
us and we understand what we're doing in
camera so what I want to do is teach you
00:00:17,510 --> 00:00:22,260
how to gauge exposure using Live View
and using the Live View histogram the
00:00:22,260 --> 00:00:26,640
histogram is an incredibly powerful tool
to help us to visually gauge the overall
00:00:26,640 --> 00:00:31,019
exposure in our images and when to use
this scene to demonstrate now what we
00:00:31,019 --> 00:00:34,520
have here is we have the Sun directly in
front of me right now it is behind some
00:00:34,520 --> 00:00:38,370
clouds so it is softened up a little bit
but it's basically right behind the
00:00:38,370 --> 00:00:42,129
scene that I'm shooting into this means
that the seat is going to be backlit so
00:00:42,129 --> 00:00:46,010
in the rocks we have very deep and dark
shadows in the water we have a very
00:00:46,010 --> 00:00:50,010
bright highlights where the light from
the Sun is touching this is going to be
00:00:50,010 --> 00:00:52,840
kind of difficult when we get to
exposing the scene correctly in the
00:00:52,840 --> 00:00:56,329
histogram is gonna be a powerful tool
now we don't have that necessarily when
00:00:56,329 --> 00:00:59,270
we're shooting with the Sun you can see
kind of behind me as we're shooting with
00:00:59,270 --> 00:01:03,199
the Sun everything kind of falls to a
very flat mid tone range because it's
00:01:03,199 --> 00:01:07,030
all being directly led to show you
exactly how this would look like in the
00:01:07,030 --> 00:01:10,260
history of but first let's pull apart
live you and show you exactly how you do
00:01:10,260 --> 00:01:15,780
it I have my Canon Rebel t2i by right
here on my tripod we have the 55 to 250
00:01:15,780 --> 00:01:19,310
lens on this is a standard kit lens and
we're going to is going to shoot a nice
00:01:19,310 --> 00:01:22,659
load composition giving us some
foreground rocks and shooting these tide
00:01:22,659 --> 00:01:25,780
pool rocks and getting a little bit of
water splashing on the water's coming in
00:01:25,780 --> 00:01:29,290
from the right side so you got a nice
shot is a water kind of comes up and
00:01:29,290 --> 00:01:33,740
give us a nice action shots we have this
amounted to Army photo globetrotter
00:01:33,740 --> 00:01:38,060
tripod it's a great tripod and expensive
for what you get is pretty awesome I'm
00:01:38,060 --> 00:01:41,350
gonna mounted just that everything stays
stable as we're demonstrating all these
00:01:41,350 --> 00:01:44,439
different things and we can see exactly
from frame to frame how it looks let's
00:01:44,439 --> 00:01:47,329
go ahead and hit the Live View button
right are eighty-five I here and gonna
00:01:47,329 --> 00:01:51,000
pull up our live you on the back of the
screen now right now I pretty much don't
00:01:51,000 --> 00:01:55,250
see anything okay because it's too dark
and underexposed completely so we need
00:01:55,250 --> 00:01:58,070
to do is that just exposure so at least
we see something on the back of the
00:01:58,070 --> 00:02:01,659
screen now typically here live use
prominent display something more like
00:02:01,659 --> 00:02:05,500
along the lines of this now to get it to
display the history and we simply hit
00:02:05,500 --> 00:02:09,000
info until the histogram actually
displayed now let's go ahead and adjust
00:02:09,000 --> 00:02:10,649
our shutter speed or aperture
00:02:10,649 --> 00:02:14,090
gonna go with first of all and after a
maybe a little bit lower than hold down
00:02:14,090 --> 00:02:17,280
the option button we're gonna go down
like maybe around eight because I do
00:02:17,280 --> 00:02:21,150
want a broad depth of field I want to
get around that optimal sharpness on the
00:02:21,150 --> 00:02:24,260
aperture as well and I now I'm gonna
slow down the shutter just so we have
00:02:24,260 --> 00:02:29,140
something to see on the screen now this
info so we can bring up that live you
00:02:29,140 --> 00:02:32,890
histogram and there it is now the
histogram looks a little bit confusing
00:02:32,890 --> 00:02:36,430
and it looks something like awful that
we used to hate in mathematics with
00:02:36,430 --> 00:02:39,510
those curves and all that but it's
really not that hard to understand and
00:02:39,510 --> 00:02:43,269
it's very simple when you know exactly
what I showing you all the histogram is
00:02:43,269 --> 00:02:46,709
doing is showing you the overall
brightness or the luminosity and you're
00:02:46,709 --> 00:02:50,129
seeing now what this means is that the
left of the histogram this little side
00:02:50,129 --> 00:02:53,590
over here on the left is going to be our
shadows in the middle we have our mid
00:02:53,590 --> 00:02:57,540
tone and in the right side we have our
highlights anything that's pushed into
00:02:57,540 --> 00:03:00,349
those areas based is gonna be
demonstrated with these peaks now
00:03:00,349 --> 00:03:04,959
wherever it peaks at telling you that a
lot of the tonal range in the image is
00:03:04,959 --> 00:03:08,159
in that area in your shopping going to
show exactly that means I'm sure that
00:03:08,159 --> 00:03:11,970
was very confusing to hear so right now
we're a little bit underexposed let me
00:03:11,970 --> 00:03:15,250
go ahead and keep under exposing and
what you're gonna see is that when I get
00:03:15,250 --> 00:03:19,699
up to 14 thousandth of a second at a
title 100 everything is pushed to the
00:03:19,699 --> 00:03:24,510
left of the histogram showing that it's
under expose everything push the left me
00:03:24,510 --> 00:03:28,510
that work clipping our shadow detail if
we are losing shadow detail that means
00:03:28,510 --> 00:03:32,040
it's gone it doesn't matter for shooting
RAW and JPEG it is gone when we get into
00:03:32,040 --> 00:03:35,940
post-production its gonna print as pure
black likewise it hard to bring this all
00:03:35,940 --> 00:03:38,639
the way to the other side so now I'm
slowing down the shutter speed going
00:03:38,639 --> 00:03:42,359
down to one one-hundredth of a second
now we push everything to the right side
00:03:42,359 --> 00:03:45,409
of the histogram so everything is pushed
against the right side are shadows come
00:03:45,409 --> 00:03:49,209
off the left edge so we have very little
showers in the scene and we have a lot
00:03:49,209 --> 00:03:52,940
of highlight that are being blown out
blown out at the same thing as flipping
00:03:52,940 --> 00:03:55,819
are shadows we're losing our detail in
our highlights and that means those
00:03:55,819 --> 00:03:59,500
highlights are going to print as pure
white the goal of the histogram is to
00:03:59,500 --> 00:04:03,400
get everything within the middle range
basically what we're gonna do is adjust
00:04:03,400 --> 00:04:08,030
my shutter speed and watch visually as
the histogram pulls into the center now
00:04:08,030 --> 00:04:11,840
the goal is to get our shadows up
against the left edge and the highlights
00:04:11,840 --> 00:04:15,229
up against the right now without blowing
out any highlights and without clipping
00:04:15,229 --> 00:04:16,549
any of our shadows
00:04:16,549 --> 00:04:21,259
and we get that right around say one to
be the second right now now we can get
00:04:21,259 --> 00:04:24,430
that right now because well we're not
getting two hearts of sunlight we're
00:04:24,430 --> 00:04:28,069
covered and cloud cover but if it were
much brighter if there were no cloud
00:04:28,069 --> 00:04:31,629
then we'd have to go with a much higher
shutter speed so that is a balanced
00:04:31,629 --> 00:04:35,879
histogram now once I have that I'm just
gonna wait for my waves and then take my
00:04:35,879 --> 00:04:42,409
shot now I'm noticing that I'm not one
to be the second that means that we are
00:04:42,409 --> 00:04:46,370
going to be showing a little bit the
action in the way that motion were not
00:04:46,370 --> 00:04:49,629
be fully freezing it so what I'm I want
to do is just a just might have turned
00:04:49,629 --> 00:04:53,509
down a little bit so I'm gonna bring my
absurd down to let's say seven point
00:04:53,509 --> 00:04:57,650
actually gonna 6.3 will bring the
shutter speed up to 1 500 per second so
00:04:57,650 --> 00:05:01,030
we can freeze that water is just a
little bit better now all going to come
00:05:01,030 --> 00:05:05,099
down to is waiting for that perfect wave
and capturing our shot by the way I have
00:05:05,099 --> 00:05:08,159
locked in my focus I just picked up a
point of focus that kind of in the
00:05:08,159 --> 00:05:12,389
middle of our depth and that seemed
locked out focus right there is that way
00:05:12,389 --> 00:05:15,590
doesn't change throughout this entire
scene I did that is by switching system
100:00:00,000--> 00:00:03,030我们通过摄影进展情况我们要教你的 101 系列200:00:03,030--> 00:00:07,129各种各样的方式,您可以使用相机在相机计量系统300:00:07,129--> 00:00:10,580基本上测量光的量在你身边,但现在我们不400:00:10,580--> 00:00:13,450想要进入所有的技术资料我想要你出去用射击500:00:13,450--> 00:00:17,510我们,我们明白我们在做什么所以我想要做的是教你的相机600:00:17,510--> 00:00:22,260如何衡量曝光使用实时视图和使用实时视图直方图700:00:22,260--> 00:00:26,640直方图是一种非常强大的工具帮助我们直观地衡量整体800:00:26,640--> 00:00:31,019在我们的图像以及何时使用曝光这一幕,现在证明我们900:00:31,019--> 00:00:34,520有在这里是我们直接在有太阳前面的我现在就在一些后面1000:00:34,520--> 00:00:38,370所以它软化一点点的云但它基本上是在后面1100:00:38,370--> 00:00:42,129我拍到这种方式的场景座位打算这么有背光1200:00:42,129--> 00:00:46,010在岩石中,我们有非常深和黑暗阴影在水中我们有很1300:00:46,010--> 00:00:50,010哪里的璀璨亮点从光太阳感人这要1400:00:50,010 --> 00:00:52,840kind of difficult when we get toexposing the scene correctly in the1500:00:52,840 --> 00:00:56,329histogram is gonna be a powerful toolnow we don't have that necessarily when1600:00:56,329 --> 00:00:59,270we're shooting with the Sun you can seekind of behind me as we're shooting with1700:00:59,270 --> 00:01:03,199the Sun everything kind of falls to avery flat mid tone range because it's1800:01:03,199 --> 00:01:07,030all being directly led to show youexactly how this would look like in the1900:01:07,030 --> 00:01:10,260history of but first let's pull apartlive you and show you exactly how you do2000:01:10,260 --> 00:01:15,780it I have my Canon Rebel t2i by righthere on my tripod we have the 55 to 2502100:01:15,780 --> 00:01:19,310lens on this is a standard kit lens andwe're going to is going to shoot a nice2200:01:19,310 --> 00:01:22,659load composition giving us someforeground rocks and shooting these tide2300:01:22,659 --> 00:01:25,780pool rocks and getting a little bit ofwater splashing on the water's coming in2400:01:25,780 --> 00:01:29,290from the right side so you got a niceshot is a water kind of comes up and2500:01:29,290 --> 00:01:33,740give us a nice action shots we have thisamounted to Army photo globetrotter2600:01:33,740 --> 00:01:38,060tripod it's a great tripod and expensivefor what you get is pretty awesome I'm2700:01:38,060 --> 00:01:41,350gonna mounted just that everything staysstable as we're demonstrating all these2800:01:41,350 --> 00:01:44,439different things and we can see exactlyfrom frame to frame how it looks let's2900:01:44,439 --> 00:01:47,329go ahead and hit the Live View buttonright are eighty-five I here and gonna3000:01:47,329 --> 00:01:51,000pull up our live you on the back of thescreen now right now I pretty much don't3100:01:51,000 --> 00:01:55,250see anything okay because it's too darkand underexposed completely so we need3200:01:55,250 --> 00:01:58,070to do is that just exposure so at leastwe see something on the back of the3300:01:58,070 --> 00:02:01,659screen now typically here live useprominent display something more like3400:02:01,659 --> 00:02:05,500along the lines of this now to get it todisplay the history and we simply hit3500:02:05,500 --> 00:02:09,000info until the histogram actuallydisplayed now let's go ahead and adjust3600:02:09,000 --> 00:02:10,649our shutter speed or aperture3700:02:10,649 --> 00:02:14,090gonna go with first of all and after amaybe a little bit lower than hold down3800:02:14,090 --> 00:02:17,280the option button we're gonna go downlike maybe around eight because I do3900:02:17,280 --> 00:02:21,150want a broad depth of field I want toget around that optimal sharpness on the4000:02:21,150 --> 00:02:24,260光圈以及和我现在去减慢快门,这样我们会有4100:02:24,260--> 00:02:29,140东西在屏幕上看到现在这信息,所以我们可以把那住你4200:02:29,140--> 00:02:32,890直方图和现在还有直方图看起来有点令人困惑4300:02:32,890--> 00:02:36,430和它看起来像可怕的我们以前很讨厌在与数学4400:02:36,430--> 00:02:39,510这些曲线和所有,但它有真的不是很难理解和4500:02:39,510--> 00:02:43,269它是非常简单,当你确切地知道我向您显示所有直方图是什么4600:02:43,269--> 00:02:46,709这样做显示你整体亮度或亮度,你就4700:02:46,709--> 00:02:50,129看到现在这的意思是,左侧的直方图这小4800:02:50,129--> 00:02:53,590这边在左边就我们阴影在中间我们有我们中期4900:02:53,590--> 00:02:57,540音调和在右侧我们有我们突出显示任何推入5000:02:57,540--> 00:03:00,349基于这些领域将会现在证明这些山峰5100:03:00,349--> 00:03:04,959无论它的山峰在告诉你,在图像的色调范围很5200:03:04,959--> 00:03:08,159在这一领域在你的购物去显示正是意味着我也确信,5300:03:08,159--> 00:03:11,970是听到很令人困惑,所以现在我们有点曝光不足让我5400:03:11,970--> 00:03:15,250往前走,保持下暴露和你要看到的就是我的时候5500:03:15,250--> 00:03:19,699达 14 千分之一秒标题的 100 一切被推到5600:03:19,699--> 00:03:24,510左边的直方图显示它了根据暴露一切左路推我5700:03:24,510--> 00:03:28,510这项工作如果修剪我们阴影细节我们正在失去意味着的阴影细节5800:03:28,510--> 00:03:32,040它已经拍摄都没关系当我们陷入 RAW 和 JPEG 是一件不见了5900:03:32,040--> 00:03:35,940后期制作要打印一样纯洁黑色的同样它难带来这一切6000:03:35,940--> 00:03:38,639到另一边所以现在的我快门速度会放慢6100:03:38,639--> 00:03:42,359到百分之一秒的现在我们将一切推向右侧6200:03:42,359--> 00:03:45,409所以一切都推的直方图右边是阴影的加油6300:03:45,409--> 00:03:49,209左边缘,所以我们已经很少了淋浴场景中的,我们有很多6400:03:49,209--> 00:03:52,940被吹出来的凸显对于同一件事情翻转吹出来6500:03:52,940--> 00:03:55,819我们正在失去我们详细的阴影我们的亮点,这就意味着那些6600:03:55,819--> 00:03:59,500突出显示要打印一样纯洁白色的目标是直方图的6700:03:59,500--> 00:04:03,400把一切中间范围之内基本上我们要做的是调整6800:04:03,400--> 00:04:08,030我快门速度和作为视觉上看直方图现在拉扯入中心6900:04:08,030--> 00:04:11,840目标是我们的影子起床反对的左边的缘和亮点7000:04:11,840--> 00:04:15,229面对现在没有吹的权利出任何亮点和无剪辑7100:04:15,229--> 00:04:16,549任何我们的影子7200:04:16,549--> 00:04:21,259我们得到那说一到周围的权利现在是第二个现在我们可以得到7300:04:21,259--> 00:04:24,430现在因为我们不是很好我们让两颗心的阳光7400:04:24,430--> 00:04:28,069覆盖和云但如果它被覆盖要是没有云更加明亮7500:04:28,069--> 00:04:31,629然后我们会去与高得多快门速度,所以这就是平衡7600:04:31,629--> 00:04:35,879一旦有了,我现在只是直方图要等待我的海浪里,然后带我7700:04:35,879--> 00:04:42,409现在我注意到我不一个人的镜头第二个,这意味着,我们有7800:04:42,409--> 00:04:46,370要显示一点点行动的方式,运动并不7900:04:46,370--> 00:04:49,629被完全冻结它所以我所想要做就是才刚可能扭转8000:04:49,629 --> 00:04:53,509down a little bit so I'm gonna bring myabsurd down to let's say seven point8100:04:53,509 --> 00:04:57,650actually gonna 6.3 will bring theshutter speed up to 1 500 per second so8200:04:57,650 --> 00:05:01,030we can freeze that water is just alittle bit better now all going to come8300:05:01,030 --> 00:05:05,099down to is waiting for that perfect waveand capturing our shot by the way I have8400:05:05,099 --> 00:05:08,159locked in my focus I just picked up apoint of focus that kind of in the8500:05:08,159 --> 00:05:12,389middle of our depth and that seemedlocked out focus right there is that way8600:05:12,389 --> 00:05:15,590doesn't change throughout this entirescene I did that is by switching system