Article 9 – Agreement Termination
This Agreement and any renewed Agreement may be terminated when any of the following circumstances occurred:
- One Party has served written notice to the other Party of its intent not to renew the Agreement, at least six months before the expiration of the renewal date.
- The Parties mutually agree in writing to terminate this Agreement.
- Any Party shall have the right to terminate this Agreement if the other Party commits any material breach of this Agreement or fails to improve its performance or makes no justification or refuses to rectify any notified defect within the specified time of the other Party’s written notice.
- Either Party maliciously or willfully causes losses to the other Party.
In case a party is found to be in breach of any obligation or to be in one of the cases listed above, the other Party has the right to notify the Party by written notice that it has seven days to find any acceptable remedy to stop the breach within seven days from receiving
such notice. In case of failure to provide such acceptable remedy within that period of time, the other Party shall send a notice to inform the party at breach that this Agreement shall be terminated with immediate effect from the date notice is served to the party at breach.
Any termination of this Agreement shall not affect the Agent’s achievements, resulting from direct or indirect referrals, until any remuneration is no more due pursuant to Article 4.1 of this Agreement.
In case of event affecting the Client such as bankruptcy, dissolution, suspension, cancellation or revocation of business licenses, or any other reason or cause that would not allow this Agreement to be performed anymore, the Client shall inform the Agent in writing and without delay, and the Agent hereby agrees that, from the date of termination of business affecting the Client, the Client has no more duty or liability to keep performing the obligation of payment of remuneration of Article 4.1.
Article 10 – Governing Law and Jurisdiction
This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the Laws of ROC (Taiwan). The court and authorities of ROC (Taiwan) shall have jurisdiction over all controversies that may arises with respect to this Agreement, and the Parties agree that if any dispute or difference arises out of or in connection with this Agreement the Taipei District Court shall be the court of first instance. The parties agree to waive any right to ask for application of article 96 of the Taiwan Code of Civil Procedure.
Article 11 – Miscellaneous
This Agreement shall be amended from time to time only in writing by mutual acceptance of both parties.
In case a party is encountering any change to its basic information, organizational structure or important changes of legal representation, that party shall submit relevant documents without delay to the other party while notifying the other party of any such change. Any notice shall be made only in writing.
第 9 條 — 協定終止有下列情形之一發生時,可終止本協定以及任何新的協定:-一方曾向另一方不打算續簽協定,更新日期屆滿前至少六個月的書面的通知。-各締約方相互同意書面形式通知終止本協定。-任何一方均有權終止本協定,如果另一方違反本協定任何材料或未能改善其性能或使沒有理由或拒絕糾正任何通知另一方書面聲明指定的時間內缺陷。-任何一方惡意或故意給另一方造成損失。萬一一方被發現違反任何義務或要在以上所列情形之一的另一方有權通知一方的書面聲明,它有七天找到任何可以接受的補救措施,從接受七日內停止違規行為6這種通知。未能提供此種可接受的補救措施在那段時間內,另一方當事人須送交通知書通知的一方違反本協定終止日期從即日起向違約的一方送達通知書。任何本協定的終止不應影響代理的成就,造成的直接或間接引用,直到任何報酬是由於根據本協定第四條第 1 款不多。In case of event affecting the Client such as bankruptcy, dissolution, suspension, cancellation or revocation of business licenses, or any other reason or cause that would not allow this Agreement to be performed anymore, the Client shall inform the Agent in writing and without delay, and the Agent hereby agrees that, from the date of termination of business affecting the Client, the Client has no more duty or liability to keep performing the obligation of payment of remuneration of Article 4.1.Article 10 – Governing Law and JurisdictionThis Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the Laws of ROC (Taiwan). The court and authorities of ROC (Taiwan) shall have jurisdiction over all controversies that may arises with respect to this Agreement, and the Parties agree that if any dispute or difference arises out of or in connection with this Agreement the Taipei District Court shall be the court of first instance. The parties agree to waive any right to ask for application of article 96 of the Taiwan Code of Civil Procedure.Article 11 – MiscellaneousThis Agreement shall be amended from time to time only in writing by mutual acceptance of both parties.In case a party is encountering any change to its basic information, organizational structure or important changes of legal representation, that party shall submit relevant documents without delay to the other party while notifying the other party of any such change. Any notice shall be made only in writing.