Problema na exclusão de imagens.
Quando seleciono múltiplas imagens de um álbum, e aperto para excluí-las, o processo de exclusão não funciona corretamente, e apenas algumas das fotos que estavam selecionadas, são definitivamente excluídas. Várias outras fotos que deveriam terem sido excluídas, permanecem no álbum, tornando todo o processo muito desgastante, tendo que me fazer "selecionar e excluir" várias vezes as mesmas fotos. Consertem este Bug, por favor. Obrigado!
Problem in deleting images.When I select multiple images from an album, and to delete them, the deletion process does not work correctly, and only a few of the pictures that were selected, are definitely excluded. Several other photos that should have been deleted, they remain in the album, making the whole process very exhausting, having to do "select and delete" several times the same photos. Fix this Bug, please. Thank you!

Problem deleting images. When you select multiple images in an album, and squeeze to delete them, the deletion process does not work correctly, and only some of the photos that were selected are definitely excluded. Several other photos that should have been excluded, remain on the album, making the whole process very stressful, having to do me "select and delete" several times the same photos. Mend this Bug, please. Thank you!