Arc is specifically required for long-term memory formation and affects all of these forms of synaptic plasticity. Arc, also known as Arg3.1, is found only in vertebrates but is highly conserved in this group [1,2]. Glutamatergic neurons in the brain express Arc in response to an increase in synaptic activity in a range of behavioral and learning paradigms [3–6]. Localization and stability of the transcript and protein are also highly regulated. Arc protein is not found in presynaptic terminals or axons but is highly expressed in dendrites [7,8], the postsynaptic density [7,9,10] and the nucleus [11,12]. Arc regulates endocytosis of a-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acidtype glutamate receptors (AMPARs) [13,14], Notch signaling [15], and spine size and type [16].
弧是专门为长期记忆的形成,并影响到所有这些形式的突触可塑性。弧,也称为为arg3.1,是发现,只有在脊椎动物中,但在此组中是高度保守的[1,2]。谷氨酸能神经元在大脑中明示电弧响应增加突触活动的范围内的行为和学习范式[3-6]。定位和稳定的转录和蛋白质也受到严格监管。电弧蛋白质是没有发现在突触前的终端或轴突,但高度表达在树突[7,8],的突触密度[7,9,10]和核[11,12]。弧调节α-氨基-3 - 羟基-5 - 甲基-4-的异唑acidtype谷氨酸受体的内吞作用(ampars)[13,14],陷波信号[15],和脊柱的大小和类型[16]。

电弧是特别需要的长期记忆的形成和影响所有这些形式的突触可塑性。电弧,也被称为后,发现不仅在脊椎动物,是高度保守的这组[ 1 , 2 ]。谷氨酸能神经元在大脑中表达弧响应增加突触活动的一系列行为和学习的范例–[ 3 6 ]。定位和稳定的转录和蛋白质也高度管制。弧蛋白是没有发现在突触终端或轴突但高度表达在树突的突触后密度[ 7 , 8 ],[ 7,9,10 ]和[ 11 , 12 ]核。电弧调节的内吞作用的a-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acidtype谷氨酸受体(AMPA受体)[ 13 , 14 ],[ 15 ]信号,和脊柱大小和类型[ 16 ]。