CONTROCAD Terminology for Variable Exchange Families
In accordance with the principal exchanges for which they are configured, the variables receive an "exchange family name" that enables them to be characterized rapidly. The rule for determining this family name takes account of the type of the transmitting equipment, the type of exchange (HMI or network exchange), the sense of the exchange and the variable type (Boolean or analog).
Variables associated to the ALSPA System
•General rule:
•Equipment (optional):
◦DI80, DI103
◦C8075, C8035, CE2000 and Gemstart equipments are contracted to C75, C35, C2K and GM.
•Nature (optional):
ol = Open loop and cl = Closed loop
•Equipment type:
in = Process input
c = Controller (integrates cc and fc)
cc = Cell Controller
fc = Field Controller (CE2000 or C8035)
ol = Open loop and cl = Closed loop
ih = Internal HMI, ph = Program HMI, sh = System HMI, dh = Default Hmi.
oh = Operator HMI
Omitted for process inputs/outputs and inter-controller exchanges
•1st level format
B = Boolean
A = Analog
M = Multi-state
Omitted for process inputs/outputs
•Variable type
DI = Discrete or Digital Input
DO = Discrete or Digital Output
AI = Analog Input
AO = Analog Output
Sig = Signal
Cmd = Command
SPt = Set Point
IC = Inter Controller (integrates UIC, FIC, ICU and ICD)
UIC= Unit Inter Controller
FIC = Field Inter Controller
ICU = Inter Controller Up
ICD = Inter Controller Down
•2nd level format (optional):
For Boolean commands: S = Single and D = Double
For analog: I = Integer, D = Double, R = Real and W = Word
AI can be specified in C35_AI: C8035 Analog Input
BICU can be specified in C2K_BICU_R: CE2000 Field Controller Boolean Inter-controller Up in Real format.
CONTROCAD Terminology for Variable Exchange Families
In accordance with the principal exchanges for which they are configured, the variables receive an "exchange family name" that enables them to be characterized rapidly. The rule for determining this family name takes account of the type of the transmitting equipment, the type of exchange (HMI or network exchange), the sense of the exchange and the variable type (Boolean or analog).
Variables associated to the ALSPA System
•General rule:
<1st level format><_2nd level format>
•Equipment (optional):
◦DI80, DI103
◦C8075, C8035, CE2000 and Gemstart equipments are contracted to C75, C35, C2K and GM.
•Nature (optional):
ol = Open loop and cl = Closed loop
•Equipment type:
in = Process input
c = Controller (integrates cc and fc)
cc = Cell Controller
fc = Field Controller (CE2000 or C8035)
ol = Open loop and cl = Closed loop
ih = Internal HMI, ph = Program HMI, sh = System HMI, dh = Default Hmi.
oh = Operator HMI
Omitted for process inputs/outputs and inter-controller exchanges
•1st level format
B = Boolean
A = Analog
M = Multi-state
Omitted for process inputs/outputs
•Variable type
DI = Discrete or Digital Input
DO = Discrete or Digital Output
AI = Analog Input
AO = Analog Output
Sig = Signal
Cmd = Command
SPt = Set Point
IC = Inter Controller (integrates UIC, FIC, ICU and ICD)
UIC= Unit Inter Controller
FIC = Field Inter Controller
ICU = Inter Controller Up
ICD = Inter Controller Down
•2nd level format (optional):
For Boolean commands: S = Single and D = Double
For analog: I = Integer, D = Double, R = Real and W = Word
AI can be specified in C35_AI: C8035 Analog Input
BICU can be specified in C2K_BICU_R: CE2000 Field Controller Boolean Inter-controller Up in Real format.