MESSAGES: HELP_HEADER: '&a&lCommands:' HELP_GENERAL_USEAGE: '&aUse /pvp {toggle|on|off|status} to change/view pvp state.' HELP_VIEW_OTHERS: '&aUse /pvp to see another players pvp state.' HELP_SET_OTHERS: '&aUse /pvp {toggle|on|off} to set another players pvp state.' NO_PLAYER: '&cCould not find a player by the name ' COMMAND_INVALID_PARAMETER: '&c is an invalid parameter. {toggle|on|off|status}' COMMAND_NO_PERMISSION: '&cYou do not have permission to set others pvp state.' PVP_STATE_ENABLED: '&aYour pvp has been enabled!' PVP_STATE_DISABLED: '&aYour pvp has been disabled!' PVP_STATE_CHANGED_OTHERS: '&a had their pvp state changed to ' PVP_STATUS: '&aYour pvp is set to ' PVP_STATUS_OTHERS: '&a has their pvp ' PVP_DISABLED: '&cYou have pvp disabled!' PVP_DISABLED_OTHERS: '&c has pvp disabled!' PVP_COOLDOWN: '&cToo fast! You can turn off pvp in seconds.'