comparison, the Al-WTR used herein can be seen to have
a comparable P adsorption capacity.
The adsorption constants and correlation coefficients obtained
from the fitting of Freundlich model to the batch data at different
pH values are also listed in Table 3. From Table 3, it can be seen that
values of kf decreased as pH increased from 4 to 9. Also, by determining
the values of n from the results of n1 presented in the table,
it can be seen that in all cases, n > 1, but the n value increased when
pH increased from 4 to 7. There was no difference in n values
between pH 7 and 9. The Freundlich kf can be related to the affinity
of Al-WTR for P. The fact that a greater kf value was obtained at
lower pH suggests greater mobility of the aluminium ions towards
phosphate ions in solution under acidic conditions, thus influencing
the degree of affinity. The value of n, which was greater
than 1 in all cases, also indicates that the adsorption of P onto the
Al-WTR can be described as favourable.
comparison, the Al-WTR used herein can be seen to have
a comparable P adsorption capacity.
The adsorption constants and correlation coefficients obtained
from the fitting of Freundlich model to the batch data at different
pH values are also listed in Table 3. From Table 3, it can be seen that
values of kf decreased as pH increased from 4 to 9. Also, by determining
the values of n from the results of n1 presented in the table,
it can be seen that in all cases, n > 1, but the n value increased when
pH increased from 4 to 7. There was no difference in n values
between pH 7 and 9. The Freundlich kf can be related to the affinity
of Al-WTR for P. The fact that a greater kf value was obtained at
lower pH suggests greater mobility of the aluminium ions towards
phosphate ions in solution under acidic conditions, thus influencing
the degree of affinity. The value of n, which was greater
than 1 in all cases, also indicates that the adsorption of P onto the
Al-WTR can be described as favourable.