Fabric Fabric construction:
a. Creases
b. Incorrect fabric
c. Weight and color of pocketing material not according to specification
d. Fabric wrong side out
e. Fabric not cut on grain as specified affecting appearance or shrinkage
f. Nap not running in one direction, or not in direction specified
g. Selvedge edge exposed within fabric zones 1 and 2, except on sides
h. Selvedge inside garment – except fringed selvages needs to be trimmed or serged
Fabric contamination:
a. Lint, threads or foreign matter sewn into garment between layers, in hem, or caught in seam
b. Foreign materials in fabric or yarn
c. Excessive scratch marks, tick bites, blemishes on leather skins Fabric flaws:
a. Snagged or pulled yarns, or excessive pilling
b. Nap, slub, mote, or other surface blemish
c. Improper fabric finish
d. Evidence of dye crocking during inspection
e. Poor rib stretch recovery
f. Deviation from approved fabric hand standard
g. Vertical or horizontal lines permanently knit or finished into fabric (i.e. needle lines, compactor creases, barre, light or heavy ends)
h. Scorch, burn, shine marks, or any other conspicuous hard pressing
i. Product does not meet technical standards (lab testing)
j. Any fabrics not conforming to stated performance standards (i.e., high-performance fabrics such as Gore-Tex®, or Thinsulate®)
a. Hole, runner, dropped stitch, misweave, or mispicks
b. Obvious weakness of fabric that could develop into a hole
c. Needle holes, needle cuts, machine-feed abrasion
d. Broken yarns