stakeholder's reinvestment. Thus, the remaining funds reflected theextent to which people prioritized the collective interest of the firm andthe interests of future generations over the decision makers' personalprofit. Additionally, following our theorizing that the intention of pastgenerations influences present decision makers through feelings of social responsibility and increasing concern for the future, we testedHypothesis 2 by exploring the mediating role of stewardship in therelationship between perceived intentions of prior generations andgenerosity to future generations.Last, in order to test the effect of knowing the preceding generation'sintention more clearly, we added control conditions in which no information about the intentions and/or the outcomes was given to participants. This control conditions allowed us to examine how the presence of information about past generations' behavior differs from an‘unknown’ past. Specifically, the control conditions can help us teaseapart whether decision makers inferred the intention of previous generations from the outcome they received in the absence of informationabout intention. We predict that, when information about intention isunavailable, people will infer past generations' intentions from theoutcome inherited. Likewise, in the absence of information about outcome, people will rely on past generations' intentions to infer the outcome.