Miles miles miles miles Labradors ~ ^ ^ (leisure)Turn right? Baba ~~~ right! (Unusual high)Wow whew! Turn left! (Unusual high)Call ~ finally can stop to have a rest ~ (relief)I'm blue I am a little whale and feel happy and proud (pride)Do you wish? Elders have told me wishing on a mermaid story yo!Coral, after last time, met a group of lovely friends, their favorite thing is. .... Hide and seek? (Hysteria)Sharks?! No, they often occur in the North Atlantic, it will be dangerous! (Fear)Castle yet? I remember there was a mermaid who will help you realize your wishes yo!He really is a very good company thanks to his run reminded me that I no longer dare to! (Good plus)Yeah. ... and I am a little whale, my companion seem to only older than me ... (Trouble)Yes, that's right! On the north side of the Atlantic! Mermaids at that! (Loud)Mermaid? Elders say he is a legend, Yes? Do you mean it? ... (Questions)Hope one day to see me big time clown fish (desired)Little I played hide and seek more easily, but growing up is not easy after ... (Slightly low)Remind me not to get lost in the hippocampus en ... I hope I won't really get lost haha!Shrimp said he had seen the shark Lady! Bite to eat other fish! So scary @@Jellyfish-feel good fun haha he QQ ~~!! (Naughty)