Ya no confio mucho || Me esta desepcionando, hee instalado esta app en mis anteriores telefonos y me ha funcionado bien, pero ahora con esta actualizacion no tengo la misma opinion, ya que tengo un celular de media gama, cuando quiero utilizar la funcion de enfriar la bateria o cerrar apps,yo creo que no lo hace, ya que cuando entro otra ves me sigue pediendo que enfrie mi bateria... :c ojala mejores por que esta app me ayudaba mucho antes
I no longer trust much | Me this desepcionando, hee installed this app on my previous phones and it has worked well, but now with this update I have the same opinion, since I have a middle range phone, when I want to use the function of cooling the battery or close apps, I think that does not, since when I go again follows me asking to cool my battery... : c I wish best for this app I helped much before
You Don"t Trust Me This much | | desepcionando, Hee installed This app On My Phone earlier and it has worked well, but now with this update does not have the same opinion, I have half a cell range, when I want to use the function of cooling the battery or close apps, I Don"t think you DO, because when I entered again continues to shed to cool my Battery... C: I Wish Best For This app helped me long before