And at the same time that silver pierce takasugi weapons.Through the use of two blades. "Takasugi "... How do you feel after pulled leg. "Silver "how to survive and doesn't get good mood."Two of the worst! ""Two breath right behind the tank explosion.The soldiers surprise "in the flesh and blood that stupid!!」「 weapons... !!」The margin of the imaginary but still smiling.Then the four sons will continue to advance.Preparation of the imaginary "landing""Make disciples, I personally like to correct it.To get in there.Ischemic penumbra """Let's go, I will always be his people.""Unknown disciples in his disciples came.""It is nothing else but the dim your disciples.""Please let me do the last.Yet another communication. It is of tremendous damage to the division.Are you my imaginary "Star"Only in the "no"The possibility of moving troops and other stars of my seventh division ""It was confirmed and the only one I had no information."Imaginary."Anyway, as soon as possible, "..." But behind the explosion in the communication.The first division of the way in front of my star.Have a saying of "a weaponThe huge sword man to come in.No shortage of "living legend for my star."The first division of "spring rain came from the old supporting spring rain."Can you take this 獣王 獅嶺!!」 blowFrom the side, and he is the head of the cut in two by the sword.* "of sound to you.""As your weapon and take it all"But you need not worry about the job you take over from me."I will serve as "stupid" son of the seventh divisionThe strongest man looks "phase of the most evil and by use of the son.Continue to use silver soul 576 spoiler