Aldie Wastewater Treatment Plant
The Aldie Wastewater Treatment Plant, located in
Aldie, Virginia, is an extended aeration facility
which treats an average of 0.0031 MGD with a
design flow of 0.015 MGD. This technology was
chosen because it would allow the area to meet
permit requirements while minimizing land use.
The plant consists of an influent chamber which
directs the flow to two parallel aeration basins,
parallel clarifiers, and a UV disinfection system.
Sequencing batch reactors
The treatment performance of package plant SBRs
is largely influenced by the plant operator. While
the process requires little assistance, training
programs are available to teach operators how to
become skilled with small plant operations. SBRs
perform well, often matching the removal efficiency
of extended aeration processes. Systems can
typically achieve the effluent limitations listed in
Table 3.
In addition, SBR systems have demonstrated a
greater removal efficiency of carbonaceous BOD
than other systems due to optimization of microbial
activity via anoxic stress and better utilization of
applied oxygen in the cyclic system. The system
can consistently provide carbonaceous BOD
effluent levels of 10 mg/L