Today, if we turn our eyes difficulties, as Peter turned her eyes to the wind and the waves,
but not a closer look to Jesus, we will certainly sink like Peter! Today
our eyes and confidence in there? In fact, from Mark 4: 39-41 (we see the Holy
Sutra) the disciples have seen Jesus calm the wind and the waves; but even to see it all, they still
do not know Jesus' true identity of the old! They saw him walking on the water, actually he said: "is
! Phantom "Many times we said to believe in Jesus, we really believe? When the difficulties
we are not suffering began to put his gaze and forget who Jesus is? He was not with five
loaves and two fish to feed 5,000 people for Jesus? He is not called the son of the minister of Jesus alive
it? He is not called paralytic disease for 38 years took up his bed to walk up Jesus? Every storm
is difficult to time, we have forgotten all of this, so we sorrow, we fear, we Cuoshou
no policy, we sank! ; Jesus walking on the water lines that episode is particularly looking to the disciples
, he highlights is the master of the universe, we do not need people respected. Jesus to his disciples, showing
his glory, he or she is of heaven and earth, he walked on water, but also to quell the storm.