In 2006 {the first|the primary} FitFlop sandal was launched, a {fun|en的繁體中文翻譯

In 2006 {the first|the primary} Fit

In 2006 {the first|the primary} FitFlop sandal was launched, a {fun|enjoyable}, energising shoe {that would|that might|that may|that will} {keep|maintain|hold|preserve} busy, {active|lively|energetic} {people|individuals|folks} {moving|shifting|transferring} all day {long|lengthy} in {comfort|consolation}. The {shoes|footwear|sneakers} {may be|could also be} {helping|serving to} you to work out and tone your legs and bum {but|however} {they remain|they continue to be} {one of the most|some of the|one of the|probably the most|one of the crucial|one of the vital} {comfortable|snug|comfy} footwear {choices|decisions|selections} {out there|on the market}.
FitFlop {is still|continues to be|remains to be} {a fairly|a reasonably} new {company|firm}, {but|however} their {shoes|footwear|sneakers} have {become|turn out to be|turn into|develop into|grow to be|change into} {more and more|increasingly more|increasingly|an increasing number of} {popular|well-liked|in style|fashionable|common|widespread|standard} as {people|individuals|folks} have tried them out and {experienced|skilled} their {benefits|advantages} first-foot. {The original|The unique} thongs are {still|nonetheless} {strong|robust|sturdy} sellers, {but|however} we {also|additionally} love {some of|a few of} their new, casually {sophisticated|refined|subtle} {city|metropolis} {shoes|footwear|sneakers}. At Bstore, {we offer|we provide} a full {range|vary} of FitFlop thongs, {shoes|footwear|sneakers} and boots to Australian shoe {shoppers|consumers|buyers|customers}. These Fitflop Womens Gogh Moc Clogs will convert {anyone|anybody} to {the benefits|the advantages} of the Fitflop {brand|model}. {If you are|In case you are|If you're} reticent {to put|to place} your {summer|summer time|summer season} Fitflops away for the winter then {here|right here} is your {solution|answer|resolution}.
{Here|Right here} at Bells {Shoes|Footwear|Sneakers} {we offer|we provide} an amazingly {popular|well-liked|in style|fashionable|common|widespread|standard} {brand|model} {called|referred to as|known as} Fitflop and {we are|we're} proud {to be able to|to have the ability to} {offer you|give you} this {brand|model}. I hoped {it would|it might|it will|it could} {offer|supply|provide} a {rather|quite|somewhat|slightly|fairly|relatively|moderately|reasonably} polished, winter-{appropriate|applicable|acceptable} incarnation of FitFlop sandals' {comfort|consolation} & {style|type|fashion|model}. {However|Nevertheless|Nonetheless}, when I walked {3|three} miles in these {shoes|footwear|sneakers} on a {hot|scorching|sizzling} day, they {cut|reduce|minimize|lower} my {feet|ft|toes} {along|alongside} the cross straps. {Loved|Liked|Beloved|Cherished} these - love navy suede and so {comfortable|snug|comfy} figured they'd be my indoor {shoes|footwear|sneakers} {in the|within the} winter. That FitFlop feeling used {to come|to return|to come back} {only|solely} with flip-flops, {but|however} now {you can get|you will get|you may get} it from {all kinds|all types|every kind} of footwear. FitFlop is a {brand|model} that {uses|makes use of} biomechanics to create ergonomic {shoes|footwear|sneakers} that your {entire|complete|whole|total} {body|physique} loves.
{Additionally|Moreover}, the tech savvy designers at FitFlop {make sure|ensure|make certain|be sure|ensure that|be certain that|make sure that|be sure that|be certain} the {shoes|footwear|sneakers} {also|additionally} {absorb|take in|take up|soak up} shock in your {back|again}, {feet|ft|toes}, and knees, making even {long|lengthy} distance {walking|strolling} {comfortable|snug|comfy} and {fun|enjoyable}. {As well as|In addition to} {the original|the unique} flip-flops, there are cozy FitFlop boots, {classy|stylish|elegant} sneakers, {comfy|cozy|comfortable} clogs, and {classic|basic|traditional} ballerina flats. {Men and women|Women and men}'s FitFlops are {movement|motion}-motivating {shoes|footwear|sneakers} for all seasons, and {you can find|yow will discover|you'll find|you will discover|you could find} {a huge|an enormous} {range|vary} {of new|of latest|of recent} and used {shoes|footwear|sneakers} on eBay. Adeena Babbitt, a 33-{year|yr|12 months} {old|previous|outdated} public relations {executive|government|govt}, {sports|sports activities} her FitFlops day in and {day out|day trip|time out}.
Fitflops have been {hugely|massively|vastly} {popular|well-liked|in style|fashionable|common|widespread|standard} with {people|individuals|folks} {looking to|trying to|seeking to} tone up {while|whereas} they {walk|stroll} {while|whereas} {also|additionally} {wearing|sporting|carrying} {something|one thing} {stylish|trendy|fashionable} and {practical|sensible} and the Fitflop Womens Gogh Moc Clogs tick all {the usual|the standard|the same old} Fitflop {boxes|bins|packing containers|containers} {but|however} {offer|supply|provide} {a cosy|a comfortable|a comfy} and {warm|heat} {style|type|fashion|model}.
原始語言: -
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結果 (繁體中文) 1: [復制]
在 2006 {first|the 初級} FitFlop 發起了涼鞋,{fun|enjoyable},活躍鞋 {would|that might|that may|that 將} {keep|maintain|hold|preserve} 整日的忙碌著,{active|lively|energetic} {people|individuals|folks} {moving|shifting|transferring} {long|lengthy} {comfort|consolation} 中。{Shoes|footwear|sneakers} {be|could 也可能} {helping|serving 到} 要鍛煉強健你的腿和范 {but|however} {他們 remain|they 繼續} {之一的 the|probably 的重要 crucial|one most|one the|one most|some} {comfortable|snug|comfy} {出 there|on 市場} {choices|decisions|selections} 鞋類。FitFlop {是 still|continues 到 be|remains 要} {fairly|a 合理} 新 {company|firm},{but|however} 的 {shoes|footwear|sneakers} 有 {become|turn 出到 be|change be|turn into|develop into|grow} {更多和越來越多的 more|increasingly more|increasingly|an} {popular|well liked|in style|fashionable|common|widespread|standard} {people|individuals|folks} 試圖出來和 {experienced|skilled} 的 {benefits|advantages} 第一腳。{Original|獨特} 丁字褲是 {still|nonetheless} {strong|robust|sturdy} 的賣家,我們 {also|additionally} 愛 {but|however} {一些 of|a 的幾個} 他們新的隨隨便便 {sophisticated|refined|subtle} {city|metropolis} {shoes|footwear|sneakers}。在 Bstore,{我們 offer|we 提供} {range|vary} {shoes|footwear|sneakers} FitFlop 涼拖的全套和澳大利亞的靴子鞋 {shoppers|consumers|buyers|customers}。這些 Fitflop 女性梵古 Moc 堵塞將轉換 {benefits|the 優勢} {anyone|anybody} 的 {brand|model} Fitflop。{如果你 are|在案例中,你 are|如果你是} {到 put|to 的地方} 沉默你 {summer|summer time|summer 季節} Fitflops 以備冬天然後 {這裡 here|right} 是你 {solution|answer|resolution}。{好的坑就在這裡} 在 {Shoes| 的鐘聲Footwear|運動鞋} {我們 offer|we 提供} 驚人地 {popular|well liked|in style|fashionable|common|widespread|standard} {brand|model} {called|referred 到 as|known 作為} Fitflop 和 {我們 are|we 是} 自豪 {能夠 to|to 您沒有足夠的能力} {提供 you|give 你} 此 {brand|model}。我希望 {它 would|it might|it will|it 可以} {offer|supply|provide} {rather|quite|somewhat|slightly|fairly|relatively|moderately|reasonably} 拋光,冬天-{appropriate|applicable|acceptable} 化身 FitFlop 涼鞋 {comfort|consolation} 和 {style|type|fashion|model}。{However|Nevertheless|然而},當我走 {3|three} 英里在這些 {shoes|footwear|sneakers} {hot|scorching|sizzling} 的一天,他們 {cut|reduce|minimize|lower} 我 {feet|ft|toes} {along|alongside} 跨肩帶。{Loved|Liked|Beloved|珍惜} 這些-愛海軍絨面革和如此 {comfortable|snug|comfy} 猜到他們會我室內的 {shoes|footwear|sneakers} {在 the|within} 冬季。用那 FitFlop 感覺 {come|to return|to 回來} {only|solely} 夾趾拖鞋和現在所說的 {but|however} {你可以 get|you get|you 可能會} 它從 {所有 kinds|all types|every 種} 的鞋類。FitFlop 是 {brand|model} {uses|makes 使用} 生物力學,若要創建人體工學的 {shoes|footwear|sneakers} 您 {entire|complete|whole|total} {body|physique} 愛。{Additionally|此外},精通技術的設計師在 FitFlop {一定 sure|ensure|make certain|be sure|ensure that|be 某些 that|make 確定 that|be 確定 that|be} 您的 {back|again},{shoes|footwear|sneakers} {also|additionally} {absorb|take in|take up|soak 起} 休克 {feet|ft|toes} 和膝蓋,甚至連點距離 {long|lengthy} {walking|strolling} {comfortable|snug|comfy} 和 {fun|enjoyable}。{作為井 as|除了} {original|the 獨特} 人字拖鞋,有舒適 FitFlop 靴子,運動鞋 {classy|stylish|elegant},{comfy|cozy|comfortable} 木屐和 {classic|basic|traditional} 芭蕾舞女演員屋。{男子和 women|婦女和男子} 的走路是 {movement|motion}-為所有季節,激勵 {shoes|footwear|sneakers} 和 {你可以 find|yow 將 discover|you find|you 將 discover|you 可以找到} {huge|an 巨大} {range|vary} {的 new|of latest|of 最近} 在 eBay 上使用 {shoes|footwear|sneakers}。艾迪娜巴比特,33-{year|yr|12 個月} {old|previous|outdated} 公關 {executive|government|govt},{sports|sports 活動} 她走路一天又 {出天 out|day trip|time}。Fitflops 已經用了 {while|whereas} {people|individuals|folks} {看起來 to|trying to|seeking 向} 語氣 {hugely|massively|vastly} {popular|well liked|in style|fashionable|common|widespread|standard} 他們 {walk|stroll} {while|whereas} {also|additionally} {wearing|sporting|carrying} {something|one 事} {stylish|trendy|fashionable} 和 {practical|sensible} 和 Fitflop 女性梵古 Moc 木屐勾選所有 {usual|the standard|the 的同樣的老} Fitflop {boxes|bins|packing containers|containers} {but|however} {offer|supply|provide} {舒適的 cosy|a comfortable|a}和 {warm|heat} {style|type|fashion|model}。
結果 (繁體中文) 2:[復制]
In 2006 {the first|the primary} FitFlop sandal was launched, a {fun|enjoyable}, energising shoe {that would|that might|that may|that will} {keep|maintain|hold|preserve} busy, {active|lively|energetic} {people|individuals|folks} {moving|shifting|transferring} all day {long|lengthy} in {comfort|consolation}. The {shoes|footwear|sneakers} {may be|could also be} {helping|serving to} you to work out and tone your legs and bum {but|however} {they remain|they continue to be} {one of the most|some of the|one of the|probably the most|one of the crucial|one of the vital} {comfortable|snug|comfy} footwear {choices|decisions|selections} {out there|on the market}.
FitFlop {is still|continues to be|remains to be} {a fairly|a reasonably} new {company|firm}, {but|however} their {shoes|footwear|sneakers} have {become|turn out to be|turn into|develop into|grow to be|change into} {more and more|increasingly more|increasingly|an increasing number of} {popular|well-liked|in style|fashionable|common|widespread|standard} as {people|individuals|folks} have tried them out and {experienced|skilled} their {benefits|advantages} first-foot. {The original|The unique} thongs are {still|nonetheless} {strong|robust|sturdy} sellers, {but|however} we {also|additionally} love {some of|a few of} their new, casually {sophisticated|refined|subtle} {city|metropolis} {shoes|footwear|sneakers}. At Bstore, {we offer|we provide} a full {range|vary} of FitFlop thongs, {shoes|footwear|sneakers} and boots to Australian shoe {shoppers|consumers|buyers|customers}. These Fitflop Womens Gogh Moc Clogs will convert {anyone|anybody} to {the benefits|the advantages} of the Fitflop {brand|model}. {If you are|In case you are|If you're} reticent {to put|to place} your {summer|summer time|summer season} Fitflops away for the winter then {here|right here} is your {solution|answer|resolution}.
{Here|Right here} at Bells {Shoes|Footwear|Sneakers} {we offer|we provide} an amazingly {popular|well-liked|in style|fashionable|common|widespread|standard} {brand|model} {called|referred to as|known as} Fitflop and {we are|we're} proud {to be able to|to have the ability to} {offer you|give you} this {brand|model}. I hoped {it would|it might|it will|it could} {offer|supply|provide} a {rather|quite|somewhat|slightly|fairly|relatively|moderately|reasonably} polished, winter-{appropriate|applicable|acceptable} incarnation of FitFlop sandals' {comfort|consolation} & {style|type|fashion|model}. {However|Nevertheless|Nonetheless}, when I walked {3|three} miles in these {shoes|footwear|sneakers} on a {hot|scorching|sizzling} day, they {cut|reduce|minimize|lower} my {feet|ft|toes} {along|alongside} the cross straps. {Loved|Liked|Beloved|Cherished} these - love navy suede and so {comfortable|snug|comfy} figured they'd be my indoor {shoes|footwear|sneakers} {in the|within the} winter. That FitFlop feeling used {to come|to return|to come back} {only|solely} with flip-flops, {but|however} now {you can get|you will get|you may get} it from {all kinds|all types|every kind} of footwear. FitFlop is a {brand|model} that {uses|makes use of} biomechanics to create ergonomic {shoes|footwear|sneakers} that your {entire|complete|whole|total} {body|physique} loves.
{Additionally|Moreover}, the tech savvy designers at FitFlop {make sure|ensure|make certain|be sure|ensure that|be certain that|make sure that|be sure that|be certain} the {shoes|footwear|sneakers} {also|additionally} {absorb|take in|take up|soak up} shock in your {back|again}, {feet|ft|toes}, and knees, making even {long|lengthy} distance {walking|strolling} {comfortable|snug|comfy} and {fun|enjoyable}. {As well as|In addition to} {the original|the unique} flip-flops, there are cozy FitFlop boots, {classy|stylish|elegant} sneakers, {comfy|cozy|comfortable} clogs, and {classic|basic|traditional} ballerina flats. {Men and women|Women and men}'s FitFlops are {movement|motion}-motivating {shoes|footwear|sneakers} for all seasons, and {you can find|yow will discover|you'll find|you will discover|you could find} {a huge|an enormous} {range|vary} {of new|of latest|of recent} and used {shoes|footwear|sneakers} on eBay. Adeena Babbitt, a 33-{year|yr|12 months} {old|previous|outdated} public relations {executive|government|govt}, {sports|sports activities} her FitFlops day in and {day out|day trip|time out}.
Fitflops have been {hugely|massively|vastly} {popular|well-liked|in style|fashionable|common|widespread|standard} with {people|individuals|folks} {looking to|trying to|seeking to} tone up {while|whereas} they {walk|stroll} {while|whereas} {also|additionally} {wearing|sporting|carrying} {something|one thing} {stylish|trendy|fashionable} and {practical|sensible} and the Fitflop Womens Gogh Moc Clogs tick all {the usual|the standard|the same old} Fitflop {boxes|bins|packing containers|containers} {but|however} {offer|supply|provide} {a cosy|a comfortable|a comfy} and {warm|heat} {style|type|fashion|model}.
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