I was served as a technical support engineer of [TIIS] Company, responsible for fingerprint identification machine, IBM customer's PC, peripheral, Server, ATM, automatic print passbook machine, POS, M.M.S (multimedia electronic convenience station), for nearly 9 years (1994-2002), Lexmark laser printers and Reuters's machine equipment installation and maintenance services.Provide support for colleagues' problems and technical inheritance, special line customer service, human resource control and dispatch, etc. Therefore, I has been obtained mcse, IBM pc and server, Lexmark laser printer, Reuters certification. Later because of major changes in the family, had to Leaving.At a certain cause, I went to [New Image Computer] company hold a post an engineer. About 10 and a half years (2004 ~ 2014). Responsible for the installation, operation, support and maintenance of banking and household Registration Office seal system equipment. Because of personal career planning be Leaving.After many years of work experience and discipline, I believe that I have more patience and perseverance than others. I can overcome various problems and complete various tasks.