Shekinah, the glory of God, is actually manifested in the creation as well as in the written Word of God, i.e., the Bible. God, however, continues to manifest his shekinah in various ways. In ancient days, God had chosen Abraham and his descendants and revealed Himself to them. Glory of God (shekinah) was to be magnified beyond the borders of Israel to the whole universe (Malachi 1:5). This is one of the important prophecies in the Old Testament (cf. Malachi 1:11; Isaiah 2:2-4 [=Micah 4:1-3]; 11:9-10; 24:14-16a; 37:20; 45:6; 66:18-21). Since Jesus came to the earth, the way to the glory of God (shekinah) has been widely open to the whole world.