where, α is the extinction coefficient, β is the constant and has different values for different transitions, Eg is the energy gap, hv is the photon energy and m denotes an exponent (m = 2) for an indirect allowed transition (plotted between α(hν)1/2 and hν); (m = 3) for an indirect forbidden transition (plotted between α(hν)1/3 and hν); (m = 1/2) for a direct allowed transition (plotted between α(hν)2 and hν); (m = 3/2) for a direct forbidden transition (plotted between<br>α(hν)2/3 and hν). It is obvious that both the indirect and direct transition may occur in all the semiconductor materials. The band gap energy (Eg) may vary with the type of the transition up to 0.5 eV for the same semiconductor.