To exemplify the thermal behaviour the TG and DTG curves of virgin EVA, MH, EVA/MH and EVA/MH/SP 3% composites are shown in Figures 1 and 2, respectively. On heating the virgin EVA decomposes within the temperature range of 270~520°C in N2 atmosphere: The first stage (270–395°C) is attributed to the evolution of acetic acid due to the decomposition of vinyl acetate groups;the second step (395–520°C) corresponds to the degradation of the polyethylene chains. As reported, the first step of weight loss for EVA/MH composite occurs in the range of 276–388°C due to the dehydration reaction of MH and the loss acetic acid in the EVA at the range of 270–395°C. The second step of weight loss occurs within the temperature range of 388–520°C due to the degradation of the polyethylene chains. In the experiment,the EVA/MH/SP 3% composite shows the same degradation steps as EVA/MH composite.