The stability of the surrounding structures is a prime consideration. The method of piling used may well be influenced by this.All underground services should be located and made safe. A careful investigation should be undertaken to ensure there are no cellars, underground water courses, or ground conditions, which could lead to hazardous situations.All workers on the operation should be trained in the particular method statement to be used.All cranes, lifting appliances and lifting gear must have appropriate test certificates proving periodic statutory examination and must be adequate for the job in hand.Such equipment should be placed on a firm level base and /or crane mats used.Consideration should be given to the risk of damage to lifting gear from sharp edges.Noise and vibration are particular hazards and all persons associated with the operation should wear the appropriate protective clothing and equipment such as hard hats, eye and hearing protection.Where it is necessary to raise or lower workers by crane such cranes should be fitted with a dead man's handle and all lowering should be done under power. The workers should be carried in properly constructed cages which cannot spin or tip.